Dialogue for Peaceful Change (DPC)

April 14, 2024 - April 19, 2024
Sunday April 14 – Friday April 19, 2024 Time: Sunday 4 pm – Friday 1:30 pm Sunday evening supper and then 7 pm to 9 pm Mon to Thursday 9 am to 5:30 pm Friday 9 am until lunch
Offered by Five Oaks Centre
$1570.00 includes training, meals, and single accommodation. $1450.00 includes training, meals, and double(shared) accommodation. $1170.00 commuter rate includes training and meals.

f conflicts in your community, family or organization, concern you – this program can provide you with new skills to transform conflicts.

“Participants who had said they would never work together were reconciled to working together for the good of the community. Old perceptions, rivalries, barriers, prejudices and even the sense of hopelessness were set aside. We were all very excited about getting back to the table and talking about how we would move forward.” Past participant

Dialogue for Peaceful Change (DPC) is an international program that has brought together the best methods from around the world in community-based conflict mediation, providing effective tools and strategies for analyzing and addressing conflicts. This is a program can be used for conflicts and disputes in communities, families and organizations moving beyond traditional mediative methods, focusing on conflict content, culture and spirituality.

The hands-on 5-day training gives you the opportunity to practice the stages of conflict mediation and to apply the tools of “meditative behavior” in a realistic context.

Participants receive international accreditation as DPC Facilitators upon completion.

As a global coalition, DPC is dedicated to creating safe spaces to overcome division through a structured and skilled process of mutual empowerment. There are over 1200 trained DPC Facilitators and Mediators spread throughout Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and Canada.

What we do:

In DPC we look at practical ways to manage all aspects of conflict before they intensify. We work worldwide in the field of conflict management and change. We offer concrete tools, developed by practitioners working in national and international conflict settings. We train and coach people who wish to apply DPC in their own lives.

“I would recommend this to anyone- very transformative, inspirational, interesting and challenging.” 2012 participant

What You Will Learn:

1. The Nature of Conflict You will experience a variety of fun activities, reflections and talks which enable them to consider your own understanding of your experience of conflict.

2. The Conceptual Framework and Models You will learn the key framework of DPC which includes models which pinpoint and explore what drives conflict in the world, peacebuilding and mediative behaviour.

3. The ToolKit You will then learn a variety of tools which will add to your previous knowledge and skill sets to enhance your work in conflict situations within the community, the workplace and within your own social networks. The tool kit includes; conflict mapping, pillars work on framing issues and dynamics, mediative communication and processes, conflict phasing and strategy planning re preventative, intervention and harm reduction, formal mediation and informal meditative and conflict transformation strategies.

“I’m now walking with skills I didn’t think were possible.” Past participant

4. The Practice and Application The participants then will apply these new skills through:

a. Intensive coached role play on mediation scenarios that are based on realistic local conflicts

b. Identifying and recognising the need to build and strengthen existing or new patterns of intra and interagency cooperation and collaboration to impact synergy, problem solving and enhanced learning to generate a wider added value of the social and economic investment of the programme.

“People from various cultural, racial, groups learned that they can respect each other, value each other, be who they are and still work together towards peaceful change.”

Categories: Conflict Management