2024 African American Religious Autobiography Seminar

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

An application-based seminar on insights for pastoral and worship ministries In this week-long seminar, we will form a multi-cultural group of pastors, teachers, professors, and non-profit organization leaders to learn from the poignant and prophetic autobiographical writings of Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, Howard Thurman, and Ida B. Wells. We will pay particular attention to the implications of their …
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Flourishing Together: Becoming an Accessible and Welcoming Church

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

An application-based seminar on faithful ministry to, with, and by people with intellectual/developmental disabilities Churches are incomplete without the presence, gifts, and friendship of people with disabilities. Yet many congregations still struggle to gather and worship in ways that welcome these indispensable members. How can our churches become communities of belonging for children and adults …
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Loving to Know: Attuning Your Philosophy to Enhance Your Ministry

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

An application-based seminar on covenant epistemology in worship, life, and leadership What does the philosophy of knowledge have to do with leadership and life? This week-long seminar, directed by Esther Lightcap Meek, offers a restorative philosophical vision that enhances worship and pastoral ministry and can be applied to any walk of life. Covenant epistemology is …
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Episcopal Latino Ministry Competency Course

TEC/ECUSA--Episcopal Church of the USA

The Episcopal Latino Ministry Competency Course is an innovative eight-day intensive course, designed for diocesan staff, clergy, lay leaders, and seminarians to gain practical knowledge and cultural competency for Latino/Hispanic ministry. All courses are conducted in English. Registration includes: Program tuition. Hotel and meals for all participants in Atlanta (nights of August 9 to 11) …
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The Sacred Circle Part 2: Studies in the Medicine Wheel

Sorrento Centre

The medicine wheel is a symbol of the universe and teaches us about reality and how all things are connected. It guides us through a wholistic understanding of our connectedness; for the gifts humanity has been given which are rooted in our ancient world cultures. There is a resurgence and need for Medicine Wheel teachings …
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Can the Past be Reconciled? Two Histories, Two Lands

Sorrento Centre

On October 7, 2023 Hamas militants launched a devastating assault on Israel erupting into the most severe Palestinian-Israeli conflict seen in decades. Once again the world has been drawn into the aching question; will these people ever know a just and peaceful coexistence? Even as one considers that far away tragedy, Canada continues to awaken …
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Two Year Training for the Ministry of Spiritual Direction

Shekinah: Centre for Deep Listening

Program cancelled due to lack of registrations. Begin the process to become a spiritual director here. Shekinah: Centre for Deep Listening is excited to announce the start of another cycle of our training program. This cycle is comprised of 2 distinct years. The first year, “Awakening the Inner Mystic”, focuses on deep listening to self …
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Transforming Community: Leading Contemplative Spiritual Prayer Groups & Retreats

Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation Inc.

Experiences, resources, and encouragement for those called to create and lead contemplative spiritual groups and retreats for personal and social transformation Do you feel a nudge to create and lead contemplative spiritual groups and retreats? Transforming Community: Leading Contemplative Spiritual Groups & Retreats is designed to equip, encourage, and support those called to create and …
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