Led by: Fr. Michael Wastag O. Carm Cost: $65 (includes buffet lunch) Deepen your appreciation and experience of the greatest treasure of the Church, the Most Blessed Sacrament, the Eucharist. We will reflect on Eucharistic Theology and a few of the forgotten and neglected truths of what it means to partake in the Eucharist.
Indigenous Christian Theology
This 35 hour intensive course will provide students with a foundation of understanding of the spiritual knowledge of Indigenous peoples, on the Land that we find ourselves today. Two Indigenous instructors will examine Indigenous wisdom within the context of Christian belief, while honouring Indigenous and Christian ways of knowing God. Students will have the opportunity …
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Foundations of New Testament Greek 1 – Online
Designation: GREE 3013 Careful study of the New Testament is based upon access to the language in which it was originally written. This course will equip students to use the many tools available for the study of the New Testament in its original language. In order to prepare students for careful and critical study, foundational …
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Intermediate Greek – Online
Designation: GREE 6013 Intermediate Greek builds upon the foundation of an introductory year of Greek. The focus of the course is on increasing studentsÂ’ reading skill by building vocabulary, solidifying introductory grammatical foundations, introducing the student to Greek syntax, and reading larger portions of New Testament text. Recommended Prior Study GREE 5013 Foundations of New …
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Greek Exegesis of Romans and Galatians – Online
Designation: GREE 7043 In this course students will study the Greek text of the Epistles of Romans and Galatians by applying the hermeneutical and exegetical skills learned in BIBL 5033 and the Greek language skills learned in GREE 6013. In addition to studying the contents, contexts, and interpretive issues involved in the study of the …
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Study of the Septuagint of 1 and 2 Chronicles and Ezra-Nehemiah – Online
Designation: GREE 7733 In this course students will translate selected texts of the Greek version of 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, or Nehemiah, which date from two centuries before to two centuries after the time of Christ and which were used by the Early Church. Students will use both Greek and Hebrew skills in the …
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Foundations of Biblical Hebrew 1 – Online
Designation: HEBR 3013 Careful study of the Old Testament is based upon access to the language in which it was originally written. This course will equip students to access the many tools available for the study of the Old Testament in its original language. In order to prepare students for careful and critical study, foundational …
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Hebrew Exegesis of 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra-Nehemiah – Online
Designation: HEBR 7733 In this course students will study the Hebrew text of the books of 1 and 2 Chronicles or Ezra-Nehemiah by applying the hermeneutical and exegetical skills learned in BIBL 5023 and the Hebrew language skills learned in HEBR 6013. This course will provide students with the foundation for preaching, teaching, and further …
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Spiritual Formation for Ministry Leaders – Online
Designation: DMIN 8413 The underlying goal of the course is to enrich the ministry of Christian leaders through a deeper awareness of the importance of spiritual life, both personal and communal, as well as some its biblical and theological foundations. Students will practice spiritual disciplines as a means to enhance their own spiritual growth and …
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Preaching as a Practice and the Practice of Preaching – Online
Designation: PAST 3053 Participants will be introduced to preaching as a central biblical, historical and theological practice within the Christian Church. Participants will then examine the theology, theory and practice of designing and delivering sermons in context. With respect to design this will involve consideration of sermon content, purpose, form, illustration, story, and the context …
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