Power and Privilege

Centre for Christian Studies

A social justice online learning circle on social location, individual and systemic power, social analysis, and the role of the prophet. The course will involve video conferences twice weekly via Zoom, on Wednesdays and Fridays at 3pm Central time as well as asynchronous online discussions and activities throughout the week.

Oppression and Resistance

Centre for Christian Studies

A social justice learning circle on systems of oppressions (racism, sexism, heterosexism, colonialism, etc.), models of change, and theologies of resistance (liberation theology, feminist theology, queer theology, etc.)

Explore Calling: A Guide to Helping Others Answer the Call

Saint Paul School of Theology

Theological Seminary in Kansas City & Oklahoma City In an ever-busy and complex world, Saint Paul School of Theology provides a haven to learn about, experience, and share the pure simplicity of God’s love. At our​ Kansas​ and Oklahoma,​ campuses, located in Kansas City and Oklahoma City respectively, we prepare students to preach the gospel …
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Preaching in the Anglican Tradition

Candler School of Theology at Emory University

The upcoming week of “J-term” classes in early January at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology will include a course taught by Episcopal clergy, including the former presiding bishop and primate of The Episcopal Church, the Right Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori. In addition to Candler students, the course is open to members of the public …
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FaithMatters: Living a Resurrection-Shaped Life

The Beecken Center of The School of Theology

Friday Lecture, March 6: Leaning into the Resurrection 7–9 p.m., All Saints’ Chapel, The University of the South (map) God’s love raises us from the dead. Not only from the tombs where our remains will be laid to rest, but from the various graves we dig for ourselves in our daily lives. Believing in the …
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Engaging Ministry: Practices of Prayer, Worship, and Community

The Beecken Center of The School of Theology

Engaging Ministry: Practices of Prayer, Worship, and Community An educational-experiential series for clergy and laypeople. This two-part series consists of: The Heart of Ministry: Deepening Practice, Deepening Community (Jan. 30-31), Entering the Mystery: Planning Non-Traditional Worship (Jan 31-Feb 1)  According to the Episcopal Church’s Fast FACTs Trends (2007-2011) and Congregations Overview (2014), parishes that are …
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Rituals and Spiritual Experiences of Death and Dying

Five Oaks Centre

Rituals and Spiritual Experiences of Death and Dying With Anne Pearson and Patricia Pearson In a secular age, people still thirst for wisdom and ritual to help shepherd them in the experience of dying and death, yet many have lost contact with their traditions. Anne and Patricia Pearson will lead this weekend workshop that offers …
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Weekend with Dan Hines

Wisdom Centre

  Save the Date!! Dan Hines will lead us in a weekend lecture and workshop Friday, March 6-Sunday, March 8, 2020 at St. Laurence Anglican Church. Friday, March 6 – Wayfinding as Life: Disorientation and Reorientation Wayfinding is the traditional art and skill of navigation over water or land. Dan will share what he has …
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Indigenous Studies Program Summer School

Vancouver School Of Theology

Indigenous Studies Program Summer School Indigenous Studies Program Summer School (ISP) is offered annually during two weeks in July. This is an opportunity for students who are often isolated from one another to gather, learn, and worship together. Summer school is also an opportunity for intensive course work for students in the Indigenous Studies Program …
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