This course is an opportunity to learn from the story and theological writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Confessing Church of the mid-20th century in Germany. In the context of the struggle for faithfulness in the midst of the Nazi era, we will learn how Bonhoeffer’s theological commitments flowed into his spirituality and political resistance. …
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Theology after Residential Schools
This course will explore the implications of the church’s relationship to residential schools for Christian theology. We will cover the history of the schools in the Canadian context as well as the role of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and the collection of first-person testimony. Together we will take up questions of theology …
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The Gospel of Mark: A Political Theological Bible Study
This course will go through the gospel of Mark with a political theology perspective. Drawing from people like Ched Myers, Richard Hays, and Wink, the aim is to give students the best damn bible study they ever had. Course will be taught in person at VST, and via Zoom for distance students (degree students must …
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The Mestizo Augustine on Health: Confessions, Therapy & Community
This course will present Augustine of Hippo’s (354-430) perspective on heart therapy and health as prescribed by his Confessions. Course will be taught in person at VST, and via Zoom for distance students (degree students must connect synchronously if studying via Zoom)
Time, Participation in Christ, and Theosis in Paul
We will think about how we think about time, particularly in regard to Paul: did Paul think of time as moving forward consecutively under God’s planned direction, or that through Christ time has been interrupted by God, establishing an already/not yet temporality? We will think about how Paul might have understood life in Christ – …
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Love & Desire
The guiding text for this course is the dominical command to love the Lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul, and all your mind, and all your strength, and to love your neighbour as yourself (Mark 12.20-31). How do we do understand this in today’s world with its conflicting demands and …
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Hawking, Dawkins and God: Engaging Christian Theology with Science for Contemporary Mission & Ministry
This course will explore how Christian faith engages some of the big issues of modern science to enable theological reflection, effective apologetics and an exploration of science as gift. This course takes place in two locations: Calgary and Vancouver Students who take the course for audit or credit (1.5) participate in a May 27th Friday …
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Master of Theological Studies
We are excited to announce that the faculty has just approved a new Master of Theological Studies (MTS) degree, which will replace our current MA(TS) degree program. The new MTS program builds on our historic strengths, while offering more focus and more flexibility. We’re taking this degree to the next level so that we can equip …
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Canadian Political Theology
What is Canadian Political Theology? Join hosts Jon Coutts and Ryan Turnbull as they and other expert presenters tackle various approaches to political theology and ask what, if anything, is distinctive about Canadian approaches to this tradition. New Leaf is excited to be offering this session of the Learning Centre in collaboration with Ambrose University. …
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Palestinian Theology in Context
Learn from Palestinian Christians by reading their theological contributions from the last 30 years. Deepen your understanding of the sociopolitical realities that contemporary Palestinians face while reflecting on the Palestinian Evangelical perspective. Together, we’ll explore major historical and theopolitical concerns, studying a theology of the land, the Kairos document, the relationship between the two testaments …
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