Master of Arts in Theology & Ecology

Assuming the sacredness and interdependence of all creation, and in recognition of the world’s exhaustion, brokenness, and systemic injustices, the Master of Arts in Theology and Ecology (MTE) forms leaders for service by immersing participants in a community of embodied theological reflection, rooted in Princeton Theological Seminary’s Farminary, and by attending to the intimate connections …
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Theology of Disability

What does the experience of disability tell us about what it means to be created in the image of God? What does scripture say (and not say) about disability? How does faith inform the church’s care for humans with disabilities? This course will delve into these questions and more through discussions of scripture, theology, and …
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Systematic Theology Overview

Gain an introductory grasp of the central doctrines and tasks of Christian theology. Learn to think doctrinally in the context of our current moment, situating theology within the industrialized West’s post-Christian context. Reflect on Christianity’s central doctrines in relation to a contemporary society that’s constituted by deep pluralisms and where the logic of Christian thought …
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Christian Faith and Practice in a (Post)Modern World

While faith in Jesus Christ has never come easily, there are certain features of modern—and now purportedly “postmodern”—societies that seem to make Christian faith and discipleship particularly perplexing. These features are commonly discussed under the heading of “secularization,” a term which points to the fact that traditional Christian understanding and institutions have grown progressively less …
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Christian Thought and Culture II

This course and its partner, CTC I, are organized around the theme of “Christian Humanism.” Christian Humanism is our name for an integrative, Christ-centred approach to human identity and world-engagement that flows directly from the gospel and its interpretation in the early church. “God became human so that we could become fully human by becoming …
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