Ministry in the Face of Grief, Loss, and Death – Online

Acadia Divinity College

Designation: PACC 4043 The reality of death dramatically informs our living, and yet it is a reality that we can tend to ignore until forced to consider it. It is vital for ministering-persons to grapple with the reality of mortality and to develop means of caring that address the complexity found in experiences of dying …
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Preaching as a Practice and the Practice of Preaching – Online

Acadia Divinity College

Designation: PAST 3053 Participants will be introduced to preaching as a central biblical, historical and theological practice within the Christian Church. Participants will then examine the theology, theory and practice of designing and delivering sermons in context. With respect to design this will involve consideration of sermon content, purpose, form, illustration, story, and the context …
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Christian Theology 1 – Online

Acadia Divinity College

Designation: THEO 3013 An introduction to Christian doctrine and theological inquiry. This first course in theology will begin with a discussion of theological method followed by a survey of the Christian doctrines of God, revelation, creation, and humanity. These doctrines will be studied by focusing on their relevance to contemporary issues faced by church and …
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Holy Spirit – Online

Acadia Divinity College

Designation: THEO 7053 Seminar in the doctrine of the Holy Spirit that first plumbs the theological history of discussion of the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Key biblical texts will be addressed. This will include early church, medieval, Radical Reformation, and contemporary Pentecostal and Charismatic contributions. Attention will be given to the fruit …
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Leading Healthy and Effective Churches – Online

Acadia Divinity College

Designation: EVAN 3063 / LEDR 3063 A study of healthy, growing churches in Atlantic Canada will include congregations in rural, small-town, and urban settings. Students will visit churches, observe ministries, and listen to pastors. Students will be exposed to congregations that have developed vibrant children’s ministries and are successfully integrating young families into the congregation; …
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Bringing Renewal to Established Congregations – Online

Acadia Divinity College

Designation: EVAN 3023 This course will consider how to give effective leadership to older, established congregations in order to bring renewal and growth. Beginning with a Biblical understanding of renewal, students will consider the strengths and weaknesses of established churches, why established churches don’t change easily, and how to lead real change in an established …
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Women in the Christian Tradition – Online

Acadia Divinity College

Designation: CHUR 4033 This seminar course will explore the biblical, theological, and historical understandings of women in the Christian tradition. It will emphasize women’s lived religious experiences, female leaders, and changing views of women’s roles throughout Christian history. Students will read both primary and secondary source texts related to women from throughout Christian history. Recommended …
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History of Christianity – Online

Acadia Divinity College

Designation: CHUR 2033 Christianity developed out of the context of the Roman world as a new movement, beginning with Jesus and over time spreading to the rest of the world. This course will explore the development of different traditions and denominations, the emergence of theological ideas, and the changes in the Church as has grown …
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Preparing for a Change of Era: Engage Difference! Deepening Understanding for Intercultural Ministry – Online

Canadian Council of Churches (The)

Recordings of previous webinars can be found below. Register for our upcoming webinar: September Webinar: September 16th 4pm EDT (1pm PDT, 2pm MDT, 3pm CDT, 5pm ADT, 5:30pm NDT) Pre-registration required to receive webinar video-conference link. (scroll down or click here) Preparing for a Change of Era: Engage Difference! Deepening Understanding for Intercultural Ministry “We …
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A Day with Teresa of Avila—The Book of Her Life, Part III—Mystical Life

Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre

Sat. November 7 9am – 3pm Led by: Fr. Chris Kulig O. Carm. This seminar will reflect upon chapters 23 through 31.  This third part of the Life explains the fruits of prayer in the life of Teresa.  It chronicles her extraordinary religious experiences.  We will study what prayer did for Teresa’s interior.