Consult the link for this summer’s courses on-site.
After Acts: Patristics from the Apostles to Nicaea
Dive into the writings of the early church, tracing the development of the Christian movement from the Book of Acts through the fourth-century conversion of the Roman Emperor. As you read and discuss primary sources, you’ll learn how the teachings of Scripture were understood and lived out among the earliest generations of Christians. Examine the …
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The Engaged Spirituality of Jesus with John Bell
The incarnation is a term often associated with the birth of Jesus. It should properly refer to his while life and ministry, for the Word which became enfleshed at Bethlehem stayed enfleshed until the Ascension. As distinct from John the Baptist, Jesus’ expression of Spirituality is not an ascetic strain best suited to hermits, but …
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Holy Eucharist & Transatlantic Slavery
How should the white Church’s participation in chattel slavery change what we believe about Holy Communion? The Episcopal Church’s House of Bishops has called white supremacy the most present sin in Western culture today. From Manifest Destiny to owning slaves, from opposing Civil Rights to continuing to hoard wealth from stolen land and stolen people, …
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Heaven in the Theological Imagination
The concept of heaven has played an important role in Christian thought since the earliest New Testament writings, and the Christian vision of Heaven has influenced the world. How do we intersect with this concept, starting with what we were taught and continuing through the sense-making we’ve done for ourselves around the idea of heaven? …
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Paul Tillich and Howard Thurman: The Ethics of Love in a Hostile World
In today’s culturally and religiously diverse societies, with their intense political divisions amongst people, the idea of loving our neighbor and enemy may appear sentimental, pollyannish and impractical. The notion of self-love also seems to border on reinforcing an unhealthy individualism that distances us from one another and our sense of interconnectedness. We are challenged …
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The Red- (and Blue-) Letter Bible: Reading the Book Together in a Divided Land
Amid political polarization in the U.S., Christians who believe and advocate on each side of the Red-Blue divide tend to cite scripture as if God’s voice is simply and very unambiguously on their side. However, inconveniently for these Right- and Left-wing advocates, the Bible is politically and theologically multi-vocal. One strand of tradition craves a …
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The Letter to the Romans: Justice and Race in Antiquity and Today
Some scholars have argued that the letter to the Romans is so unclear that it must be a pastiche of letters or the product of a confused, contradictory writer. We will together make sense of the letter in its historical context as a Jewish Paul articulates (not entirely clearly) how it is that God’s justice …
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Faith and Reason
This course will study the relation between faith in God and the capacities of human reason. The main topics will be the relation between faith in God and morality, religious experience, the problem of evil, the nature of faith, the traditional proofs for the existence of God, miracles and science, immortality, and religious pluralism. In all …
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Theology and Ethics: Liberation Perspectives and Praxis
In this course, students will be introduced to theological-ethical perspectives from liberation traditions with attention to various cultural, social, ethnic, and political contexts that have emerged from historically marginalized communities, with a focus on the United States and Latin America. This course places scholars from various liberation traditions (Latin American/Latinx, Black/Womanist, Indigenous, Asian American, Feminist, …
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