A weekend to bid farewell to last year and to create some space for the challenges and blessings waiting in the wings of 2022. Through mini-presentations, group work, prayer and personal reflection, participants will acquire tools for letting go of the old and welcoming the new, with a greater awareness of where they want to …
View course details “Welcoming the New Year–Retreat”
Are you a Lay preacher seeking to get a license for ministry? Or are you just interested in learning more? If so, please join Rev. Steve Bateman, Rev. Br. Jason Caroll O.P. and Rev. Canon James Robinson for this short course to learn the theological foundations for Preaching, as well as instruction on how craft …
View course details “Foundations for Preaching”
Music often has a central place in Christian worship, whether in the form of guitar by the campfire, pipe organ and choir, rhythmic drumming, acapella congregational singing, gentle piano accompaniment, chant, or amplified band, among many other possibilities. This course explores a diversity of expressions of music in worship from theological, historical, and practical perspectives. …
View course details “Theologies and Practices of Music in Christian Worship”
In ministry with children, youth, and their family we create space for spiritual conversations. Families seek support from ministers and congregational leaders on how to talk about God, death, and other existential questions such as, “Who am I?” and “What am I meant to be doing in my life?” with the children and youth in …
View course details “Spiritual Conversations: Pastoral Ministry with Children, Youth and Families”
This course takes students on a journey exploring the great historical moments, movements and famous figures that gave rise to the spirituality we would now define as Anglican. Starting with our present experience and understanding of Anglicanism, we will consider its monastic roots, its public character and the role of the laity, its relationship with …
View course details “Anglican History, Theology & Spirituality”
This course will look at the psalms and praises of Israel through the lenses of millennia of Jewish and Christian experience in prayer and praise. The psalms are the songbook of Israel, and must be studied in their own historical context. They have unmatched psychological power, attested in John Calvin’s treatment of the Psalms as …
View course details “Psalms in the Christian Imagination”
This course is Part Two of a year-long sequence in interpretation of the Hebrew Bible. In the Fall semester we read the Pentateuch, the Historical Books, and Psalms. In the Spring semester we focus on Prophets and the remaining books of the Writings. The larger goal of the class is to develop a friendship with …
View course details “Introduction to the Hebrew Bible: II”
In her classic book on evangelism Out of the Saltshaker Rebecca Pippert confesses that there was a time when, “there was a part of me that secretly felt evangelism was something you shouldn’t do to your dog, let alone a friend.” On the surface many kind-hearted mainline Protestants in Canada today would agree. Many folks …
View course details “Practicing Evangelism in a Post-Christendom World”
Stewardship is our faithful response to the mission of God. We can join in God’s mission with confidence and hope as stewards of God’s abundant gifts and invite others into that stewardship. What is God calling us to as individuals, as a parish, and as a diocese? We know there is a culture shift happening …
View course details “Stewardship: A Faithful Response to God’s Mission”
Creating a parish mission action plan is about intentional listening for the Spirit, prayer, engagement with parishioners, and a willingness to risk a bit. The plan, which is completed in four one-hour gatherings, is comprised of two to three initiatives in three areas: Adult Faith Formation, Changing Parish Culture, and Community Engagement. Leaders for each …
View course details “So You Want to Facilitate the Mission Action Plan Process…”