“What is the meaning of the experience I am having?” “How can I follow Christ more faithfully?” “What would that even mean?” In this four-week online class, we will explore questions to connect your faith life with your daily “work.” Using scripture, poetry, meditations, and prayer, you will explore various tools to discern how you …
View course details “Shaping a Faithful Life: Pathways to Discernment and Discipleship”
OVERVIEW What? We know that all ministry is transitional; doing ministry during a pandemic underscores that every day. Our times have brought trauma, cultivated resilience, and shown us both the possibilities and the challenges of living in liminal time. In response to the pandemic, we have brought the church and transitional ministry education online. In this …
All upcoming online retreats should be listed at the page in the link.
Conflict in congregational life is unique – it mixes organizational dynamics with personality, family history, conflict,theology and of course, faith. This combination creates both challenges and possibilities. This workshop provides church leaders with an opportunity to consider their role as leaders in this dynamic environment, providing practical tools and processes for engaging churches experiencing conflict, transforming tough situations into opportunities …
View course details “Leading the Church Through Times of Conflict”
How can we integrate music into small group or home church experiences? Let’s find out together! We’ll explore a broad palette of possibilities, reflect on our gifts, try out integrating musical activities in a group session, and develop a personal theology of how music enriches these spaces. This three-week learning module is part of our …
View course details “Building Community Through Music”
This course will explore principles and best practices for designing worship that works. The full breadth of the Book of Common Prayer, Enriching Our Worship, The Hymnal 1982, Lift Every Voice and Sing II, Wonder, Love, and Praise, and other liturgical and musical supplements will be discussed. The topics covered include the liturgical year, the …
View course details “Creating Worship that Works”
A course on Paul’s letter to the Galatians with attention to context (Asia Minor); (heated) rhetoric; ethics, and Christology, especially Gal 3:26-28, “in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free, nor male and female.” What social implications might we infer from such issues amongst first century Jesus followers, and how might …
View course details “Galatians: Rhetoric, Ethics, Christology, Social Consequences?”
The apostolic witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ is at the heart of the church’s mission. The church has the critically important task of communicating the message of Jesus Christ to the world. Reflecting on scripture and God’s call for us, we use the Book of Acts as a model for contemporary ministry in …
View course details “Message of Mission”
This is a survey course on the New Testament in its historical, social and literary contexts beginning with its use in the Episcopal Church through the lectionary. The course approaches NT writings as literary (by considering genre, narrative, and redaction criticism), as texts (by considering form and rhetorical criticism), as historical sources for the historical …
View course details “Introduction to New Testament”
This course builds on the introduction to moral theory in Ethics I, and applies those models to the major areas of moral action and decision that Christians face today. We will explore topics such as ecological health, human sexuality, wealth and poverty, racism, colonialism, and gender. The focus throughout will be on the particular approach …
View course details “Ethics in the Anglican Tradition: Ethics 2”