Message of Mission

Stevenson School of Ministry in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

The apostolic witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ is at the heart of the church’s mission. The church has the critically important task of communicating the message of Jesus Christ to the world. Reflecting on scripture and God’s call for us, we use the Book of Acts as a model for contemporary ministry in …
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Introduction to New Testament

Stevenson School of Ministry in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

This is a survey course on the New Testament in its historical, social and literary contexts beginning with its use in the Episcopal Church through the lectionary. The course approaches NT writings as literary (by considering genre, narrative, and redaction criticism), as texts (by considering form and rhetorical criticism), as historical sources for the historical …
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Ethics in the Anglican Tradition: Ethics 2

Stevenson School of Ministry in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

This course builds on the introduction to moral theory in Ethics I, and applies those models to the major areas of moral action and decision that Christians face today. We will explore topics such as ecological health, human sexuality, wealth and poverty, racism, colonialism, and gender.  The focus throughout will be on the particular approach …
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Ethics 1

Stevenson School of Ministry in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

This course is a general introduction to the major theories of moral philosophy and their significance for Christian disciples and pastoral ministry. We explore both the classical moral theories that have shaped the Christian understanding of the moral life, as well as the critique and reconstruction of those theories since the rise of modernity. This …
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God and Social Justice in the Hebrew Prophets

Stevenson School of Ministry in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

This 10-week course will be taught by Dr. Collin Cornell  Monday nights at 7 PM EST: February 14 March 21 February 21 March 28 February 28 April 4 March 7 April 18 March 14 April 25 Prophets are urgently relevant to the church’s present-day life because of their passionate insistence on God and social justice. …
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Caring in Christian Communities: A Pastoral Care Workshop

Montreal Diocesan Theological College

This three-session online course is designed to help participants’ grow in their  understandings of the definition and scope of Christian pastoral care through practical exercises, reflection, and discussion. Together, we will practice active listening, consider the ethical dimensions of Christian pastoral care, and reflect on caregiving in select circumstances. This course is designed for lay …
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Living as a Christian in a World That’s Not: Reading the Acts of the Apostles

Montreal Diocesan Theological College

Many 21st-century Christians in North America grew up experiencing the world around us as “Christendom.” Although our cultures and institutions have been shaped by the Christian tradition, for the most part the world around us no longer shares our faith in Jesus Christ.  The church was born in such a world. Arising as a branch …
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Comment parler de la foi avec les enfants

Montreal Diocesan Theological College

Ce cours s’adresse à la fois aux parents ou grands-parents qui se demandent comment parler de la foi à leurs enfants, ainsi qu’aux animatrices et animateurs des communautés de foi qui cherchent à transmettre les récits et pratiques de la tradition chrétienne. Nous regarderons ensemble :  comment les enfants vivent et expriment leur spiritualité;  comment répondre …
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Anglican History and Theology

Montreal Diocesan Theological College

This course is a broad overview of the history and theology of Anglicanism, Particular focus is placed on theological debates in the Anglican tradition. The first half of the course covers key themes in Anglican history, including the contested nature of Anglicanism, the ecumenical involvement of Anglican churches, the legacy of establishment, and the public …
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Leading a Journey into Luke: Preparing Teachers of the Gospel

Montreal Diocesan Theological College

A combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning to be completed between January 25th and February 28th This course is designed as a training module for those who are interested in leading a Bible study on Luke. We know that studying the Bible leads us deeper into Christ’s love for the world, builds a culture of …
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