Hawking, Dawkins and God: Engaging Christian Theology with Science for Contemporary Mission & Ministry

Vancouver School Of Theology

This course will explore how Christian faith engages some of the big issues of modern science to enable theological reflection, effective apologetics and an exploration of science as gift. This course takes place in two locations: Calgary and Vancouver Students who take the course for audit or credit (1.5) participate in a May 27th Friday …
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Intercultural Preaching: Rethinking Preaching Conference 2022

Emmanuel College

The Centre for Religion and Its Contexts at Emmanuel College and Shining Waters Regional Council (The United Church of Canada) are pleased to host the second “Rethinking Preaching’ Conference with this year’s theme, “Intercultural Preaching.” The challenge of intercultural preaching in the midst of social crises defined by racism, colonialism, and ecological crisis has gripped …
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How long, O God?: Old Testament Suffering and Life with God

Regent College

The Old Testament is born out of anguish: a lost paradise, slavery and oppression, exile. Trauma and pain shape the reality of Israel’s faith. Yet in this pain, God responds. With that in mind, we’ll explore Old Testament ideas about the human condition with a focus on mental health and wellbeing. We’ll examine the biblical …
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The Mystery of Death

Spirituality & Practice

“Sit in your cell collecting your thoughts and remember the day of your death . . . ” To modern ears this advice from the early Christian desert father Evagrius sounds morbid; we instinctively shrink away from it. Contemporary Westerners live in the most death-denying culture ever seen in human civilization. But the still-smoldering pandemic …
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Aging Gracefully

Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre

We often think of aging gracefully as “looking old, but still holding on” or “showing signs of aging, but still moving forward with life.” Aging gracefully is not all about age or appearance, but also about the attitude we have as we go through the various stages of life. Explore how our feelings about aging …
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Master of Theological Studies

Princeton Theological Seminary

We are excited to announce that the faculty has just approved a new Master of Theological Studies (MTS) degree, which will replace our current MA(TS) degree program. The new MTS program builds on our historic strengths, while offering more focus and more flexibility. We’re taking this degree to the next level so that we can equip …
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Canadian Political Theology

New Leaf Network

What is Canadian Political Theology? Join hosts Jon Coutts and Ryan Turnbull as they and other expert presenters tackle various approaches to political theology and ask what, if anything, is distinctive about Canadian approaches to this tradition. New Leaf is excited to be offering this session of the Learning Centre in collaboration with Ambrose University. …
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The Table, New Leaf Network National Event

New Leaf Network

We’ve been hearing from spiritual leaders and Jesus-followers all across Canada that they’re weary. For so many, the pandemic and the difficulties of this present moment in Canada have simply caused the reservoir to go dry. Pastors, planters, priests, and ministry leaders give so much of their time offering a meal to others, they often …
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The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within

Queen's House Retreat and Renewal Centre

A Book Study Offered on ZoomEight Wednesday evening, March 23—June 29, 5:00—7:00 p.m. CST/MDTPresented by Nancy Phillips and Sarah Donnelly through the Queen’s House Retreat and Renewal Centre. Join with other seekers as we slowly appreciate the wisdom found in Christine Valters Paintner‘s book, The Soul of the Pilgrim. Please source your own copy of this …
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