Walking in the Light of God’s Presence

May 17, 2018 - May 20, 2018
Cambridge MA

Walking in the Light of God’s Presence


Location: The Monastery in Cambridge

Thursday 5:00 pm-Sunday 2:00 pm, May 17-20, 2018

Leader: Br. Nicholas Bartoli, SSJE


Please join us at the monastery for a time of silent retreat and reflection. In this four-day retreat we will embrace silence and stillness as a way to deepen our lives of prayer. By exploring the practice of contemplation, we will deepen our experience of walking in the light of God’s presence, learning how to let our souls rest in the loving embrace of the Holy One. We will be working with the ancient monastic model of one’s journey of prayer through three stages: Praktikos, Theoretikos and Gnostikos.