Unmasking the Feminine
The 40th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women to the Priesthood in the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
November 30th 2016
Canadian Anglican and Lutheran Women Priests and Pastors
Are invited to gather in Stratford, Ontario
From supper Monday Nov. 28th to breakfast Thursday Dec. 1 2016
Wednesday November 30th – Celebration Eucharist and Anniversary Reception at St James Anglican Church, Stratford, Ontario
Keynote speaker: The Rev. Canon Judy Rois
Registration Deadline: October 1, 2016
Registration is limited to 90 participants. Registration fee is $ 600 – $200 deposit required when you register. (Fee includes accommodations, meals and conference/workshop materials)
Mark your calendars and register by emailing/sending the attached registration form.
Email: [email protected] or mail
40th Anniversary Gathering
Huron Church House
190 Queens Ave
London, ON N6A 6H7
We are looking forward to having you here for a wonderful gathering!
The Ven. Tanya Phibbs, The Rev. Canon Megan Collings Moore, The Rev. Canon Marian Haggerty, The Rev. Canon Linda Nixon, The Rev. Chris Brouillard Coyle, The Rev. Canon June Hough, The Rev. Canon Kim Van Allen, The Rev. Claire Miller, The Rev. Grace Coleman Anthony
The 40th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women to the Priesthood in the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
Stratford, Ontario
From supper Monday Nov. 28th to the morning of Thursday Dec. 1 2016
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________
Phone: cell __________________ home ________________ work ___________
Email: ____________________________________________________________
Diocese: _________________________ Parish: __________________________
- Accommodations
[ ] I do not require accommodations.
[ ] I will stay at Conference Facilities and require overnight accommodation on:
[ ] Mon. [ ] Tues. [ ] Wed.
Accommodation is shared. Please name a person with whom you are willing to share accommodation:
- Meals
The following meals will be provided:
Monday Nov. 28th [ ] supper
Tues. Nov. 29th [ ] lunch [ ] supper
Wed. Nov. 30th [ ] banquet
Thurs. Dec. 1
You are on your own for breakfast each morning – we will provide information about local coffee-houses/restaurants. Wednesday afternoon is designated as free time, starting with lunch. Again we will provide information on local options.
Let us know…
[ ] vegetarian
[ ] serious food allergies (please list) _____________________________________________
[ ] I’d like an additional ticket for the banquet before the celebratory eucharist on Wednesday (cost $30 – one ticket is included in the full registration fee)
- Travel
You are responsible for arranging your own travel. We do have monies to assist representatives from dioceses in the Council of the North. Depending on funds, we may be able to offer travel bursaries. More information will follow.
Not sure how to get to Stratford? Contact us via email and we can offer assistance.
If you will be arriving by air on Monday Nov. 28 and/or leaving by air on Thursday Dec. 1, please let us know the following information:
Airport (& terminal): ____________________________
Approximate arrival/departure time: ______________
We will be glad to help you make arrangements to travel between the airport and Stratford.
- Workshops and worship!
Please bring vestments for the Wednesday celebratory Eucharist – all female priests/presbyters are invited to vest and process. The liturgical colour will be red.
[ ] I play a musical instrument and will be bringing that with me.
Instrument: _________________
Workshop Details to come, but may include:
Mindful Eating, Yoga, Caring for Your Voice, Clergy Image, Art, Music/Voice/Movement, Social Media.
Possible Free Time Options: (Wednesday afternoon)
Chocolate Trail
Victorian Trail
Dress-up at the Warehouse with photographs (may be a small charge for this)
Payment: The cost to every participant, including booked transportation, accommodation (double occupancy) and listed meals is $ 600. A deposit of $200 is required at the time of registration. Visa and MasterCard payments accepted, or cheque payable to The Diocese of Huron (note “40 anniversary”)
To pay by credit card please phone: Shelly in Accounts Receivable_ at 1-519-434-6893 ext. 236