Wed, Apr 27 – 12pm
Tammy Devine is a diaconal minister, and Wellness Manager for the Evangelical Church in America, serving through Portico Benefit Services. Tammy is a strategic and systemic whole person promoter of well-being, through education and inspiration throughout the ELCA. Devine collaborates with thought leaders to facilitate and motivate whole person lifestyle choices and serves as an external wellness consultant and coach to integrate well-being throughout the ELCA. Tammy is a registered nurse, (BA, Augustana College, Sioux Falls), a Master’s in leadership from Luther Seminary. She has completed preparation as a parish nurse/coordinator, and spiritual coach.
Tammy Devine
Tom Morgan is Professor of Leadership Studies at Augsburg College. He holds a Ph.D. in Educational Policy from the University of Minnesota, a M.S. in Economics from the University of Oregon and a MBA in Finance & Operations Research from the University of Denver. He has served as a member of the Steering Committee for the Faith in the City Collaborative since its inception in 1999 until 2012 and serves on the Boards of Seeing Things Whole and Select Learning Resources. Tom has over thirty years of teaching experience and has extensive experience in institutional planning and the design and implementation of new programs. Prior to working in higher education, he worked doing research and grant writing in health care. He has lived in the Twin Cities for the past thirty years. Tom is married, has one daughter, and thinks about riding his recumbent bicycle. He holds a private pilot’s license and enjoys woodworking.
Tom Morgan-web sized photo
I live my music in a variety of fashions, most regularly at Lutheran Church of the Cross, West Fargo, ND, where I speak of God through my keys and collaboration with exceptional musicians. I can be found working with musicians and leaders involved in worship settings, designing and leading workshops on music and spirituality, and musically creating spaces to awaken to the ordinary presence of God. I was raised going to a Lutheran church every Sunday morning, listening to radio on the way–it makes sense to me that these two things can be joined together. I’m interested in pointing to the presence of God in all of life and removing the false divisions between sacred and everything else. Michael recently served as the Director of Music and Arts Ministry at Lutheran Church of the Cross, West Fargo, ND, and is now serving at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Olympia, WA. He graduated from the Master of Theological Studies program at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley, CA, where he focused his studies on music as local theology. Prior to his graduate studies, Michael studied psychology, neuroscience, and chemistry at Concordia College in Moorhead, MN.
Michael Larson
Transitions: Life’s Detours & Road Blocks
Tammy Devine, Tom Morgan, Michael Larson
This is a new retreat, part of the “Transitions: Discover Your Life’s Calling” workshops. This is a series of 4 retreats – each workshop stands alone so you can join in at any time. ~Life’s Detours & Road Blocks COST: Includes Meals, Lodging & Program! $240 – Double Occupancy
Special Discount! If you enjoy the Transitions workshops and would like to attend more within the Sept 2015 thru October 2016 series (4 total) take 10% off your total for each additional workshop you attend. Full Program Cost (p/per):
$195.00 Commuter
$295.00 Private Room w/ Bath
$240.00 Shared Room w/ Bath
If you need lodging before/after or want to pay by check, please contact Cyndy Warnier at (480) 488-5218.