Thomas Merton Society of Canada 2014 annual Merton Lecture and Retreat

July 10, 2014 - July 12, 2014


Wisdom-Sophia in the Life and Theology of Thomas Merton (Summer School 2014)

Vancouver School of Theology will be spending the summer months moving its operations to St. Andrew’s Hall while its new main building is being constructed. As such, its regular slate of Summer School courses will not be offered this summer.

VST is pleased to continue its decades-long co-sponsorship with the Thomas Merton Society of Canada to hold it’s annual Merton Lecture and Retreat:

Wisdom-Sophia in the Life and Theology of Thomas Merton. Details and registration below.

Merton Poster

Public Lecture
and Retreat/Course:
Wisdom-Sophia in the Life and Theology of Thomas Merton
Taught by Dr. Christopher Pramuk

Thursday July 10 to Saturday July 12, 2014

The Trappist monk Thomas Merton (1915-1968) is widely celebrated as one of the most influential spiritual writers of the 20th century. Less explored is Merton’s deepening realization of Christ as Wisdom-Sophia in the last decade of his life, a memory and experience of the feminine divine deep in the biblical-mystical tradition but largely marginalized in the West. Drawing from his journals and poetry, drawings and essays, this course explores Merton’s prayer life while illuminating his enduring witness as a poet, prophet, and mystical theologian. Above all we look to the prose poem “Hagia Sophia” as Merton’s consummate hymn of wisdom and peace. Sessions will incorporate periods of lecture, imagery, music, and lectio divina, as well as open discussion and shared exploration.

Thursday July 10, 7 pm: Public Lecture -Thomas Merton: Breakthrough to Wisdom and Peace
Wine and cheese reception at 6 pm
Location: St. Andrew’s Hall Chapel – 6040 Iona Drive

Thursday July 10: 2 -3:30 pm; 6 – 8:30pm (reception/lecture)
Location: St. Andrew’s Hall Chapel – 6040 Iona Drive

Friday July 11: 9 am – noon and 1 – 4 pm
Saturday July 12 9 am – noon and 1 – 4 pm
Location: Canadian Memorial “Great Hall” – 1825 West 16th Avenue

For a detailed course description, click here.

Online Registration for Audit and Certificate Only
For Degree Credit, Please Contact the Registrar at [email protected]
Course / Event: Wisdom-Sophia in the Life and Theology of Thomas Merton
Cost: Audit – $195 Certificate – $270

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Dr. Christopher Pramuk teaches theology and spirituality at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio. His award-winning essays have appeared in America magazine, Theological Studies, Cross Currents, and the prayer journal Give Us This Day. He is the author of four books, including “Hope Sings, So Beautiful: Graced Encounters Across the Color Line” (Liturgical, 2013) and “Sophia: The Hidden Christ of Thomas Merton” (Michael Glazier, 2009), which was awarded the International Thomas Merton Society’s 2011 “Thomas Merton Award,” a.k.a. “The Louie,” its highest honor. A lifelong musician and student of African American history and spirituality, Dr. Pramuk’s present work focuses on racial justice and interracial solidarity in society and church.

Categories: Courses  |  Lectures  |  Lifelong Learning