The Politics of the Open-Hearted: Climate Change and Courage with Mardi Tindal and Dan Hines

July 24, 2016 - July 30, 2016
Offered by Sorrento Centre
Sorrento BC
 Sunday, July 24 – Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Politics of the Open-Hearted:
Climate Change and Courage
with Mardi Tindal and Dan Hines

Mardi Tindal and Dan Hines will host an exploration of politics and possibility, heartbreak and hope, grief, faith and courage in a time of global warming and climate change.

Our ‘blessed unrest’ includes informed, soulful and loving resistance to society and politics as it is. When our hearts break open, worthy questions arise for a better world: What is our personal healing work within the larger communal effort? How will we sustain our activism and together build community?

Mardi TindalWe will focus on interlocking habits of the heart: deeply invigorating patterns of receiving, interpreting, and responding with hope, in light of our experience. These habits involve our intellects, emotions, self-images, and concepts of meaning and purpose.

We will engage in dialogues focused on evocative texts and questions, experience silence, solitude and journaling for reflection, and tellstories from our own lives. These practices – and habits of the heart – are informed by the work of Parker J. Palmer and the Center for Courage and Renewal.

MARDI TINDAL – As the 40th Moderator of The United Church of Canada (2009-2012), Mardi Tindal continues to invite active participation in the healing of Soul, Community and Creation. She has brought energetic leadership throughout her career as an adult educator, organizational consultant, retreat centre director, writer, broadcaster and church leader.

Marni has offered leadership at three of the United Nations’ climate talks: COP15 (Copenhagen), COP17 (Durban) and COP21 (Paris) and at the UN to develop a new economDan Hinesic paradigm for our life together on the planet.

DAN HINES – As co-founder of the intentional community, RareBirds Housing Co-operative, Dan Hines has a passion for exploring alternative living and a more sustainable relationship to the land. He is involved in local social justice and environmental activism and is politically engaged with the Green Party of Canada and the Green Party of BC.

Dan serves as a consultant for leaders in business, educational, and religious organizations. His professional experience has included parish and diocesan ministry as an ordained priest in the Anglican Church of Canada.



Categories: Ecology/Theology  |  Lifelong Learning  |  Workshops