The Journey Toward an Undivided Life: Courage and Renewal
with Caryl Hurtig Casbon and Theresa Matus October 3 to 5
This retreat will explore fall as a metaphor in our lives. Autumn’s abundance is a gift we find embodied both within our inner lives, as well as in our relationships and communal connections. The fullness of autumn invites us to explore our scarcity assumptions, and reminds us of belonging and community, and the sources of the authentic abundance in our lives.
Based on Quaker practices and the pioneering work of Dr. Parker Palmer, the program utilizes the circle of trust© approach developed by the Center for Courage & Renewal, a process that is contemplative in nature, and emphasizes deep listening, slowing down, and creating community that is trustworthy and safe for the soul. Through the exploration of poetry, stories, music, movement, works of art and the wonderful geography of place, you will be invited to embrace key practices that create a circle of trust – and abundance in community!
Cost $495
If you are interested in attending this program, please call: 250.496.5751 or 1.877.996.5751 ext. 201. Email: [email protected].
We will then advise you as to when registration opens.
Add 24 hours before or after your program for $88. Rest in the arms of Naramata Centre for personal retreat and restoration time.
Caryl Hurtig Casbon
Caryl, an ordained interfaith minister, has led Courage & Renewal© retreats since 1998, both nationally and internationally, for clergy and lay communities, medical and hospice groups, teachers and educational leaders; she also led retreats at Calling Lakes Retreat Center and Five Oaks in Canada over the last four years. She is a consultant for the Anamcara Project through the Sacred Art of Living Center, and the Befriending the Unknown Project, through the Alliance for Living & Dying Well.
Theresa Matus
Theresa, has worked for Mount Royal University in the Academic Development Centre (ADC) since 2000; she has been Director since 2008. Prior to joining Mount Royal full time, Theresa had the good fortune to co-facilitate Naramata Centre’s Winter Session program for three winters: 1995, 1996 and 1997 – a wonderful time of learning!
For more than 20 years, Theresa taught (and studied) creative and improvisational movement/dance, participated in movement master classes and cultivated interests in the study and practice of Authentic Movement (AM), a contemplative movement discipline, which has assumed deeper significance over the years, leading to annual study opportunities.
Cost: $495 plus taxes.