The Art of Transitional and Interim Ministry; Weeks One and Two

October 14, 2013 - October 18, 2013


October 14-18, 2013
Erdman Center, School of Christian Vocation and Mission
Princeton Theological Seminary

The interim pastor is recognized as a specialized position in many mainline denominations. Judicatories increasingly encourage congregations to call an interim while in transition between installed pastors, a time that may vary in length from one to three years. Pastors come to interim ministry from varied backgrounds; some are new graduates from seminary, others are at mid-career, and many are retired ministers who wish to continue in service.

In partnership with the Synod of the Northeast (PCUSA), the School of Christian Vocation and Mission at Princeton Theological Seminary is pleased to offer Weeks One and Two concurrently (that is, separately and at the same time). Ecumenical participation is welcomed and encouraged. The curriculum for both weeks has been standardized by the Presbyterian Interim Ministry Consortium, which coordinates events at regional sites across the country.

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 Week One

This course is designed to provide the basic skills for ministers who have just begun their interim ministry, or who are looking to explore more the transitional nature of ministry in the church. It is also an introduction to interim ministry for ministers contemplating this form of service as a future calling.

Participants will explore the unique dynamics of congregations in transition, the work of the intentional interim pastor as leader in transition time, biblical foundations for interim ministry, and judicatory relationships. 

Week Two

This advanced program is meant to broaden and build upon the skills acquired and practiced after Week One. Participants will engage in group reflection and learning grounded in the specific practice of interim ministry.

Faculty Leader

GMeekGavin Meek has served in ordained ministry for almost 25 years, almost 15 years in interm/transitional ministry, serving 7 congregations in 6 states. He has been a part of the interim ministry faculty for over 5 years and has taught at Montreat, Union Seminary in Richmond, Princeton and NYC. He is presently serving as the Interim Pastor in Katonah, New York and a member of Hudson River Presbytery.

Seminar Leaders

Susan McGhee Susan McGhee is the Executive Presbyter of The Presbytery of Ohio Valley. Susan is in her twenty-fourth year of ordained ministry through various positions in the church, including associate pastor, solo pastor, and interim pastor, in addition to her current administrative ministry. Through her service in three denominations and multiple states, she brings a varied and diverse perspective to this teaching ministry.

Renee Rico 2013 (b)Renee Rico received her undergraduate degree in Mathematical Economics from Pomona College, and had a first career as an analyst and manager working for the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington DC. Upon graduation from San Francisco Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree, Renee began her unintentional career as an intentional interim pastor, serving in churches across the West as interim solo, head of staff and associate pastor positions. She has served on and led faculty teams for interim ministry education since 2002. Renee confesses to be both excited and a little scared about the challenges of transitional ministry in these times in the church.

PaulRhebergen  Paul Rhebergen has been a pastor in the Presbyterian Church,(USA) for thirty-seven years, serving in a variety of church settings that rangefrom small yoked congregations in rural New York to large multiple-staff settingsin suburban and metropolitan areas. Forthe past twenty-three years he has served as an interim pastor in eleven differentcongregations, in seven different presbyteries. With advanced training insystems theory, conflict management, and working with churches following clergysexual misconduct, he has been a part of the Consortium’s Transitional MinistryFaculty since 2008. He will begin his twelth trasitional ministry position with the First Presbyterian Church of Ewing, NJ in October. Paul is married to the Rev. Dr. MarianneRhebergen. They are the parents of three adult daughters.

Registration Requirements

The cost of this program is $420 and includes program and food. There is information on accommodations when you register for Week One or Week Two. Please read the Registration and Cancellation Policy. Participation in the entire program is necessary for certification.

Week One

Ministers of the Word and Sacrament (PCUSA) are strongly encouraged (though not required) to present written approval prior to attending this program. Sample approval language would include an attestation the participant is a ‘member in good standing’ and may be endorsed by the Executive Presbyter, Stated Clerk, or Committee on Ministry Chair. This attestation may be physically or electronically mailed. Registration is limited to the thirty six participants.

IFPL Register ButtonTo register, please call 609-497-7990 or click here to register online and pay with a credit card.

Week Two

Participants must present proof of successful completion of Week One within the previous five years, and be in current service as an interim. There are extensive reading and writing assignments that are to be completed prior to arriving. Registration is limited to a minimum of seven and a maximum of twelve participants.

IFPL Register ButtonTo register, please call 609-497-7990 or click here to register online and pay with a credit card.

Categories: Interim Ministry  |  Leadership  |  Seminars