SML (Sunday Morning Live) is…
Playful: Worship that creates a safe place and joyful space in which all ages are encouraged to celebrate God’s presence though interactive music, movement, discussion, storytelling, prayer, and play.
Progressive: Worship that is based on a progressive Christian theology. This theology a) promotes the understanding that there is no separation between the sacred and the secular b) honours the holy in the human, as exemplified in Jesus c) encourages the critical exploration of scripture and other faith-based stories in the light of current scholarship.
Relevant: Worship that relates faith to life by illustrating core faith values using modern methods and technologies and popular music and media, as well as traditional resources.
Inclusive: Worship that enables people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities to play, praise, and to deepen their sense of relationship with others, with all creation, and with the holy.
If you are currently involved in creating an intergenerational program and would like to share your experience with others, or if you’d like to learn how to develop such a program, this is the workshop for you! Join with a large team of experienced worship leaders and musicians as we generate new hope for Sunday mornings!
Leadership includes:
Lloyd MacLean is a congregational music leader with an irrepressible sense of humour. He was a member of the development team for the Voices United songbook and has shared his musical talent in every corner of the country.
Brent & Helen Bannerman are lovers and teachers of music. Using the SML model, they’ve helped to bring new life and excitement to worship in their Presbyterian congregation at Barney’s River NS.
(Participants are encouraged to stay at the Centre for SML: All Ages! July 12-14. Invite the whole family!)
Program Cost: $180 ($100 tuition + $ 80 meals/accommodations)
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your place in this program.
Robyn Brown-Hewitt
Rev. Robyn Brown-Hewitt is the Faith and Spirituality Coordinator on the Program Development Team. Robyn comes to the Centre with more than 25 years of experience as a gifted and creative educator and facilitator with children, youth and adults, working on a national and regional basis. She recently served on the Tatamagouche Centre leadership team that created the outstanding family program, Play and Praise with Linnea Good. She is a graduate of the Atlantic School of Theology and has studied at the Vancouver School of Theology. She was ordained by Maritime Conference in 1992 and has most recently served with the Wolfville Pastoral Charge. She also works at the Atlantic School of Theology as the Director of the Youth Ministry Diploma Program.
Shawn Redden
Shawn Redden, Program Resource Group (PRG) facilitator, and is a United Church minister with a long involvement in and commitment to Youth Ministry.