April 21-25, 2014 Study Leave and Conversation
Come for a weeklong opportunity to engage the learning resources of Luther Seminary in the company of curious colleagues. As with our regular Study Leave (available throughout the year), you can attend classes of interest, meet with seminary professors, participate in worship and make use of Luther’s rich library resources. But Study Leave and Conversation also makes it possible for you to enjoy the companionship of other leaders when you’re ready for a break from study. You might join together for coffee, lunch, a walk around the neighborhood or an evening out in the Twin Cities.
The program is flexible. Let us know your interests and we’ll connect you with possible courses, faculty and library resources to make your week productive. Or, if you’d like to just come and explore, that’s fine too.
Tuition: $250
Class Times: Flexible
Seminar Leader:
- Jason Misselt, Associate Director for Program Development, Center for Lifelong Learning, Luther Seminary