Rather than lamenting the declining attendance in our churches as a bad/sad thing, what if we see it as a Divine invitation to a radical new hope, a re-conceptualization of church in Canada. This webinar will present specific info on demographic changes and projections in the Canadian population, as well as patterns of church decline, and then explore strategies to lift churches out of shock and discouragement – helping them mobilize hope by opening their faith communities to more diverse populations!
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Join the Forum for Intercultural Leadership and Learning of The Canadian Council of Churches as we look at current demographic studies, projections of our changing society, and data on church decline, and ask “What if we really have only two choices: to embrace this new reality – allowing, encouraging our churches to morph into new intercultural communities, or become a kind of anglo-hideout, hold on as long as we can, last refuge of the once-dominant colonialists? What do we do?”
Through this webinar discussion, we hope to create new neural pathways so we can begin to see these changes not as diminishment but as possibility, as hope, and as call. We will look at some strategies for opening our faith communities to folk who are ‘different’ than us, to the new and more diverse Canada.