Stepping Into Lent, Moving into the Desert

March 4, 2014 - March 7, 2014
West Park NY


Tuesday, March 4 – Friday, March 7, 2014

Led by the Rev’d Gwyneth Murphy

The spiritual journey is our evolving relationship with ourselves, each other and the Divine. Lent is a special time in this journey, an invitation to enter more deeply into the mystery of what it means to be human, created in the Divine Image and called to continue Jesus’ ministry of compassion and justice. As we are not the same from year to year, neither is our Lenten Path.

Lent rests in the apparent paradox that the spiritual journey is done alone, as well as in community. Thus, there will time spent in silence and solitude, as well as time together.

We shall enter into the Gospel stories of Jesus’ Baptism, and of His then entering into the Desert for Forty Days. Through Guided Reflections offered by the Retreat Leader, and our shared prayer and reflection, we shall each uncover the path, practice, and prayer to which God calls us this Lent.

We join the Brothers at 6 p.m. Tuesday for a festive pancake supper to celebrate Fat Tuesday a/k/a Shrove Tuesday a/k/a Mardi Gras. We gather after supper to enter our Retreat Time together, We spend Ash Wednesday fasting* and in silence, joining the Brothers for Liturgy. Thursday and Friday, we’ll gather together for continued reflection and prayer, followed by time in silence.

*Cheese, fruit, bread and water are available during the day. In the evening, soup and salad. If you need more sustenance, you are welcome to bring food; there is a refrigerator for your use.

The Rev. Gwyneth MacKenzie Murphy is Interim Pastor at St. Gregory’s, Woodstock, NY, a Retreat Leader, Spiritual Director and Sacred Dancer.

cost: $300, deposit: $80

Categories: Liturgy  |  Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction