November 12 – 14, 2013
Starting New Worshipping Communities focuses on discerning how to develop a particular project or a judicatory strategy for forming new worshipping communities. Through presentations, small group discussions, coaching sessions, worship, and mission practices, participants will discover how to develop a new ministry that fits into their context. The training uses a discernment process for starting new works in ministry. Participants will: be centered in missional theology, prayer and worship; learn how to get crystal clear on identity, vision, mission; experience how to go out into the community and develop plans that make sense for a unique culture; and receive coaching around the particulars of their context (church, judicatory, missionary call).
Rev. Brian Clark is organizing pastor of Riverside Presbyterian Church, and has a passion for church planting. He is involved in strategy for new church development in the PCUSA, heads the NCD Coaching initiative, coaches new church leaders, is involved in writing the church planting resources developed by the Office of Church Growth, and has fostered Riverside’s involvement in 4 new churches (including one in Kenya). Brian is widely known for his energy and inspiration for innovative new ministry.
Rev. Shannon Kiser is the Director of the Presbyterian Center for New Church Innovation, East Coast and field staff for the PCUSA Office of Church Growth. She coaches leaders and teams working toward new expressions of church, works with national leaders in church planting to develop strategy for church planting, leads the new worshiping community internship program, speaks with presbyteries and groups about how they can get involved in new and transformation ministry, blogs for the Presbyterian Outlook, and serves on the writing team for PCUSA church planting resources. Shannon currently serves as Parish Associate for Riverside Presbyterian Church.
Rev. Craig Williams was organizing pastor of Trabuco Presbyterian Church, director of new church development for the Presbytery of the Cascades, and now serves as the Director of the Presbyterian Center for New Church Innovation, West Coast and field staff for the Office of Church Growth. He was instrumental in developing the coaching program and the PCUSA resources for church planting, and continues to serve on the writing teams and development of new resources. Craig coaches leaders, teams, cohorts, and planters as they work towards releasing new ministry, and is involved with several ecumenical and urban ministry cohorts. He leads the PCUSA church planter assessment initiative, and is a regular speaker at presbytery and national gatherings.
Rev. Edwin Andrade is the organizing pastor of Nueva Rivera, and upon charter, has become co-pastor of Riverside Presbyterian Church, one church that worships in two languages. He is also the initiator of Lunch for the Soul, a ministry outreach with day laborers in Northern Virginia. Edwin is a regular leader, speaker, and teacher in both church planting and Hispanic ministry. Edwin has a passion for community ministry partnerships, immigrant and 2nd generation ministry, and developing new ministry leaders. Edwin is an active NCD coach and is involved in the racial ethnic and new immigrant church growth strategy initiative with the PCUSA.
This program is for judicatory leaders and potential church planters, both clergy and lay as well as leaders of churches that are considering planting new churches.
The registration fee is $281. This includes program and meals.
Please read the registration and cancellation policy before registering and then click here to register online.
Additional questions may be asked by telephone at 609.497.7990 or by e-mail at [email protected].