Richard will provide an overview of the legal environment in which organizations with a public benefit mission can deliver programs and services including:
- opportunities and limitations for entrepreneurial activities by registered charities & Non-profit organizations
- community economic development activities and registered charities
- other legal options and innovations
David will present different options and strategies available to deliver public benefit through the operation of revenue generating activities including:
- ways to deliver programs and services via partnerships with service providers
- opportunities to leverage the marketplace and private sector
- fundraising opportunities
Program Cost: $450 (tuition, meals & accommodation)
Local Price: $410 (without overnight)
We strive to make our programs as accessible as possible.
Please contact our Registrar to inquire about a bursary or payment plan.
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your place in this program.
Richard Bridge
Richard Bridge is a lawyer based in Nova Scotia’s Annapolis Valley. His primary area of practice is charity and non-profit law. His clients are a wide range of charitable organizations, foundations, non-profit organizations and philanthropists across Canada. He provides legal, strategic and policy advice on incorporation, securing charitable tax status, regulatory compliance issues, planned giving, general legal services (contracts, insurance, employment issues, tax issues, government relations, etc.) and issues of organizational structure, governance and strategic planning (mergers, partnerships, business activities, fundraising, etc.).
Richard assisted in the design and creation of VanCity Capital Corporation, a subsidiary of VanCity Credit Union that provides innovative lending and enterprise support services. Richard has worked internationally, including projects in China. He has also created courses and taught in these areas at the University of Victoria Law School and BCIT, and has given countless public workshops and training sessions in every province in Canada and published a variety of articles in these fields. For more information: www.lawyerforcharities.ca
David Oyler
David Oyler is a development consultant focusing on increasing organizational effectiveness and capacity for registered charities and non-profits. He specializes in providing practical guidance on Canada Revenue Agency policy for registered charities, helping small to medium-sized organizations build successful fundraising programs, and social enterprise development.
David’s most recent work has been with Adsum House, NewStart Counseling, and the Nova Scotia Youth Orchestra, and in the delivering of sector presentations and workshops. Other organizations he has worked with include the Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia, Big Brothers Big Sisters, the Independent Living Nova Scotia Association, Make-A-Wish Atlantic Provinces, Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute, and the Pictou County Women’s Centre.
He also worked with the Community Sector Council Newfoundland and Labrador on their Compliant Fundraising Practices project (funded by the Canada Revenue Agency’s Charity Partnership and Outreach Program). David is an active volunteer in the sector and the community. He is a volunteer on Imagine Canada’s National Engagement Strategy including membership on the Narrative Steering Committee, and recently completed a two year term on the board of the Association of Fundraising Professionals – Nova Scotia Chapter where he served as Secretary/Treasurer, Chair, Government Relations, and Chair, 2013 Maritime Fundraising Conference. He is a Big Brother and a volunteer with Homebridge Youth Society.
Michelle Ferris
Michelle Ferris, Program Resource Group (PRG) facilitator, is the Organization and Outreach Director of the Tatamagouche Centre. She has worked in community development, marketing communications, fund development and stakeholder relations for 15 years.
For the past seven years she has operated her own marketing communications business, specializing in serving public, economic development, arts, heritage and not-for-profit sectors. She is interested in the “for-purpose” economy represented by social enterprises and is an ardent community volunteer who commits tirelessly to the causes and ideas that inspire her.