All the spirits that have gone before us are now part of the universe and when asked, are willing to offer help. These spirits may take the form of a power animal or a teacher. They may affect miracles in our lives; most particularly they help us recover from spirit losses. Most of us will have suffered spirit loss, which results from abuse, neglect, illness, etc., and manifests as decreased pizzazz in our lives.
In shamanic communities, the shaman’s job is to bring back the patient’s lost spirit. We can all help restore our own spirits by journeying to find our power animal.
Working individually, in pairs, and as a group, participants in this workshop will journey to find their power animals, and will explore many facets of shamanism.
Program Cost:$340 ($198 tuition+$142 meals/accommodations)
Local Price:$246 (program cost without overnight, without breakfast)
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your place in this program
Julie Strong
Julie Strong, BA MD has practiced medicine in Nova Scotia for thirty years and shamanism for the past five. She writes and presents on the healing power of myth and her play, “Athena in Love” won Best Playwright’s award in the 2012 Atlantic Fringe Festival. Julie loves helping people find their power animals and spirit guides, to provide them with companionship and inspiration for life’s journey.
Ron Kelly
Ron Kelly, Pprogram Resource Group (PRG) facilitator. Ron has a deep love and understanding of the natural world. He is an ecologist, educator, mediator and counsellor of abusive men and boys.