Rethinking Stewardship: From Solemn Obligation To Inspired Choice

July 25, 2018 - July 27, 2018
Offered by Luther Seminary
St. Paul, MN

July 25-27, 2018


The church is shifting from a time when people gave money out of a sense of duty and obligation. We’ve entered a period in which trust in institutions is low, and individuals value their power to choose where to give, what to click, and whether to attend at all. Yet, Jesus’ warning that one cannot serve both masters, God and mammon, is as relevant as ever. What does contextual stewardship require today? What can we leave behind? And what must we never forget? Join us for three days of conversation and exploration with scholars, practitioners and leaders.

Select the registration link below for complete details and to register.

Contact Hours: 15

Class Times:

Begins  Wednesday at 11 a.m. and ends Friday at noon

Seminar Leaders:

For more information, visit

Registration Information

Categories: Ministry  |  Stewardship  |  Workshops