Quiet Saturday, April 13, 2013
Resurrection is both hard to understand and hard to convey. It is among the most difficult concepts for people to grasp.
While the cross is the centerpiece of the Christian faith, resurrection is what creates community. Crucifixion causes people to run away, to cower. Crucifixion divides people. The fruit of crucifixion is despair, hopelessness and death.
Resurrection brings hope, joy and new life. Resurrection brings the possibility of new community. The paradox, of course, is that without crucifixion there can be no resurrection.
What does resurrection mean for the church, for individuals, for community? What needs to be crucified in order for resurrection to happen. We are an Easter people, a resurrection community!
Led by Rt. Rev. Philip Poole, Bishop of York-Credit Valley in the Diocese of Toronto
Begins 9:30 am with gathering for coffee; ends 4 pm.
Fee: $25 ($15 for Associates and Oblates) if you bring a bag lunch. A hot meal is an additional $15.