Rediscovering Soul in Role: A Courage to Lead® Retreat
with Wint Boyd and Dan Hines
There is in us an instinct for newness, for renewal,
for a liberation of creative power.
We seek to awaken in ourselves
a force which really changes our lives from within.
—Thomas Merton
We live divided lives: divided between our roles and our soul. This retreat is for anyone seeking renewal of personal identity, professional integrity and vocational vitality. We will explore a process of awakening to an inner intuitive voice which can call us to live divided no more.
Over the past decade, and under the guidance of Parker J. Palmer and the Center for Courage and Renewal, skilled facilitators have created a unique retreat-based approach to such renewal and self-discovery. Participants expand their capacity to listen and be present, improve their ability to build trustworthy relationships, and find the courage to live and work authentically.
Courage to Lead® work is framed by such questions as, “How can I maintain a strong connection between who I am and what I do?” “What practices will help me align my soul and my role?” “When pulled in so many directions that I feel dis-membered, how can I re-member myself and stay connected to the heart of my vocation?” In large-group, small-group and solitary settings, we will explore our inner journeys via personal story-telling and poetry.
Educators, health practitioners, not-for-profit and business leaders, clergy, lay leaders and spiritual directors are among those who express great appreciation for these retreats.
For more information about the retreat and the practice of circles work, please refer to the center’s website:
WINT BOYD has been the Senior Pastor at Orchard Ridge UCC in Madison, Wisconsin since 1999; and a Center for Courage & Renewal Facilitator since 2007. “Participating in Circle to Lead® retreats has allowed me to stay grounded in my work, my personal relationships and my spiritual journey. The chance to explore the wisdom of my own inner teacher has been key to maintain hope and joy.”
DAN HINES is a Ministry Developer and priest in the Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior of British Columbia. “I have benefited greatly from my experiences in these circles of exploration. The practice has deepened my sensitivity to pay attention to authentic life wisdom within me.”
- Course Fee: $450 includes instruction, meals Thursday supper through Sunday lunch, accommodation based on double occupancy.
- Registration: See registration here » / meals here » / accommodations here »
- Center for Courage and Renewal – »