Continuing Education 2013
February 11 – 15, 2013
The Rev. Dr. Kevin Livingston, Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry Tyndale University College & Seminary Dr. Kevin Livingston is Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry at Tyndale Seminary where he teaches preaching, worship and pastoral theology. An ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, he has served congregations in Seattle, Scotland, Vancouver, Cambridge, and most recently, Knox Presbyterian Church in Toronto. He has degrees from Seattle University (BA), Fuller Theological Seminary (M. Div.) and the University of Aberdeen in Scotland (PhD). He enjoys strong coffee, used book stores and travel. He is married to Irene, a nutritionist. They have three adult children.
Monday, February 11
1:45 – 4:30 p.m.
Missional Ministry:
1. Engaging the missional conversation 2. Envisioning the church as God’s alternative community
Tuesday, February 12
9:00 – 11:45 a.m.
Missional Ministry:
Learning to exegete our neighbourhoods
4. Sharing the gospel as good news
The Rev. Dr. Clyde Ervine, Senior Minister
Central Presbyterian Church, Hamilton, Ontario Dr. Ervine was raised in a happy, hectic Presbyterian home in Northern Ireland as one of four competitive siblings, amidst much banging of pianos, doors and egos! He was educated at the University of St. Andrew’s and the University of Cambridge, where he completed a doctorate in nineteenth century church history. After a year of pastoral training at Presbyterian College, Montreal, Clyde was ordained in Cornwall, Ontario, and began ordained ministry at St. Andrew’s, Sutton. Pastorates in Niagara Falls and Toronto followed. In 2000, Clyde was appointed Director of Pastoral Studies at Presbyterian College, Montreal, teaching pastoral theology and supervising field education. However, the allure of congregational life took him back to congregational ministry in 2006 when he received a call to become Minister of Central Church, Hamilton. Since then, Clyde has been busy helping to retool an historic congregation making its way from a Christendom context to a much less certain but exciting post-Christian context. Over the years, he has remained active within the life of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, currently teaching a worship course at Knox College, Toronto, and serving on the denomination’s Church Doctrine Committee. He also convenes the Students and Colleges Committee of the Hamilton Presbytery. He has published a number of articles both popular and theological. One entitled Singles in the Church: Eunuchs in the Kingdom, was published in the British theological journal, Churchman. In 2012, Clyde plans to use a two-month mini-sabbatical to write a book on church leadership. Committed in principle and in practice to the priority of the congregation in God’s kingdom strategy, Clyde focuses on congregational preaching, teaching and leadership. His time off allows for concert-going and plays, but is otherwise spent recovering!
Tuesday, February 12
1:45 – 4:30 p.m.
Ministry, with Respect: Exploring a Neglected Congregational Dynamic – I
Wednesday, February. 13
8:45 – 11:30 a.m.
Ministry, with Respect: Exploring
The Rev. Dr. Harris Athanasiadis, Minister
St. Mark Presbyterian Church, North York, Ontario Harris was born in Greece and emigrated to Canada with his family in the late 1960’s. Growing up in Montreal, Harris was exposed to the conflicts of living in a multi-cultural, religiously pluralistic, secular world, learning new languages and living the big questions of life. Eventually, he found an outlet for wrestling with such questions through the study of theology, philosophy and spirituality, completing B.A., B.Th., M.Div. and Ph.D. degrees. Harris came to Toronto to become the minister of St. Mark’s. He loves to preach, have good discussions and to interact with people from all stages and circumstances of life. He also loves being part of a community of incredible diversity, where all can find a place. Harris is married to Pam, and between them they have four awesome children. In his free time, Harris loves to read, watch good movies and practice karate.
Wednesday, February. 13
1:45 pm – 4:30 p.m.
1. The Reformed Tradition
2. The Spiritual Journey of the Self
Thursday, February. 14
9:00 – 11:45 a.m.
3. The Spiritual Journey of the Congregation
4. The Pastor as Spiritual Guide
Ms. Lori Ransom,
Senior Advisor, Church Relations, Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Lori spent 5 years as Healing and Reconciliation Animator for The Presbyterian Church in Canada but that role ended in September 2011. Since that time, she has been employed as Senior Advisor, Church Relations, for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC). This role allows her to work ecumenically and on an interfaith basis to encourage and facilitate engagement of the faith community across Canada in the TRC’s work. She works with congregations, local church groups, Aboriginal organizations, national staff, the courts of the church and ecumenical partners to further the aims and objectives of the Healing and Reconciliation initiative. Lori has been employed for over 20 years with Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, where she most recently served as Director, Executive Services and Communications for the Ontario Region. Her several positions within the department have given her a breadth and depth of understanding of Aboriginal issues and concerns in Canada. She is an active member of St. Andrew’s, King Street, Toronto. Among other roles, Lori has convened the board of managers; and, she currently serves as the Clerk of Session. Her involvement at the presbytery level includes three years as representative elder and as a commissioner to General Assembly. Lori is a member of the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation (Golden Lake, near Pembroke ON).
Thursday, February. 14
1:45 – 4:30 p.m.
Called to Reconcile
Friday, February, 15
9:00 – 11:45 a.m.
Reconciliation as Mission