Paradox of Love – Pittman McGeHee

November 15, 2013 - November 16, 2013
Offered by Wisdom Centre
Calgary AB


Wisdom  Center


Paradox of Love – Pittman McGeHee


The Wisdom  Center is pleased to present the following speaker, in conjunction with the Calgary Jung Society:

Pittman McGeHee

a lecture on  Friday evening November 15, 2013 at 7:30 PM; and a workshop on Saturday November 16, 2013 from 10-4 PM,
all to be held at Parkdale United Church in Calgary.  Tickets will be available through the Calgary Jung Society at

Dr. McGeHee will be speaking on the “Paradox of Love”.  He will be delving deep into a discovery of the nature of love, exploring its diverse faces, its history and defining its opposite.  He will address both the healing and wounding nature of love, the greatest of contradictions that Jung called the “incalculable paradoxes of love”.  In these presentations, participants will discover what lies at the heart of Love and discover the ways in which the scientific and rational nature of the industrial revolution has created a society in which efficiency is highly valued, and Love, having its own inefficient economy, is not. 

Please save the date!



Pittman McGeHee

Dr. McGeHee was ordained as a priest in the Episocpal Church in 1969 and served for  11 years as Dean of Christ church cathedral, in downtown Houston.  In 1991 he resigned from Christ Church Cathedral to become the director of The Institute for the Advancement of Psychology and Spirituality.  The Institute joins the disciplines of psychology and religion by exploring the concept that mental health comes with the integration of the biological, psychological and spiritual elements of the human condition.  In 1996, the C.G.  Jung Institute of Dallas awarded him a diploma in Analystical Psychology.  He is currently in private practice as a priest/psychoanalyst and teacher/lecturer.

Categories: Lectures  |  Lifelong Learning  |  Workshops