Oasis: Young Adult and Campus Ministries Leadership Conference 2020 – Online

June 23, 2020 - June 26, 2020
Offered by
No cost
The Episcopal Church
815 Second Avenue
New York NY10017

The Young Adult and Campus Ministry (YACM) Annual Leadership Conference will still be held June 23-26, 2020. However, given the reality of the COVID-19 pandemic we are currently living in and after consulting with both the conference planning team and the YACM Advisory Council, we are moving the conference to an online format with a $0 registration fee.

You do still need to register so that you get the sign-in information, updates, and schedule as we develop them. Register by clicking here.

If you have already registered and paid for the conference, a refund will be coming your way. Look for a communication about this from Valerie Harris. Please cancel any lodging accommodations you have made as well as travel reservations.

We will be posting updates about the programming and schedule as we have them.

Conference Program

Conference participants – both leaders who are new to this work as well as those who have longstanding roots in this ministry – will hear from speakers, focus on intentional conversations, build relationships, and learn from one another.

Speakers and learning opportunities will be added to the website as they are confirmed.

We are grateful that Becky Zartman and James Franklin will join us to discuss their new book Belovedness: Finding God (and Self) on Campus. This book asks a single question that gets refracted through different topics: How would you [fill in the blank] if you knew you were loved beyond all measure? How are you going to choose to live into your belovedness? While this is a book written by a group of people doing campus ministry, its central message is something to sit with and embrace in any ministry setting.

Our hope is that the participants will:

  • connect and reconnect with others involved in this ministry
  • be better equipped to engage young adults where they live, work and study
  • learn from one another and share resources
  • build upon their skills and networks to assist them in ministry
  • leave feeling that they have refreshed at the oasis and are ready to do the work God has called them to do

Registration and Cost

The conference fee is $0. Register now! Registration deadline is: June 8, 2020.


Contact The Rev. Shannon Kelly, Director for the Department of Faith Formation and Officer for Young Adult and Campus Ministries at [email protected] for more information.