Based on the program developed by Marshall Rosenburg – Center for Non Violent Communication, NVC is a tool to transform how we communicate and begin to understand ourselves and others – improving and deepening our relationships.
NVC begins by assuming that we are all compassionate by nature and that violent strategies—whether verbal or physical—are learned behaviors taught and supported by the prevailing culture. NVC also assumes that we all share the same, basic human needs, and that each of our actions are a strategy to meet one or more of these needs. NVC is a communication process that offers simple and effective tools that help us relate more clearly and efficiently. A powerful 4 step model allows us to understand ourselves and others to radically change the quality of our moment to moment interactions by accessing our own wisdom, self-awareness and empathy. We learn to authentically express even hard to express messages. The quality of our communication is fine-tuned and we experience more satisfaction and cooperation in our relationships.
NVC works on developing and deepening understanding and compassion between individuals, groups and teams and exit the vicious circle of anger, resentment, distancing and stagnation in our relationships. NVC helps us to take full responsibility for our acts, and climb out of feelings of powerlessness, depression and resignation.
Specific objectives:
- To develop clarity and coherence in relation to our experiences, needs and wants and how we express ourselves.
- To learn to be aware of human needs in every situation and to develop a capacity to deeply understand others motivations, behaviours and needs.
- To integrate how to use sincere appreciation and honest feedback with ourselves and others.
- Develop deep listening and empathy skills and learning to connect to the feelings and needs of others even in situations where others are using blame, criticism and judgment to indirectly express their needs.
Learn and practice to:
1. formulate specific and precise observations of a situation.
2. distinguish between feelings, opinion, judgments and perceptions and learn to use communication and language in skillful ways.
3. learn to identify needs and distinguish them from strategies we will employ to help meet those needs.
4. integrate the process of clarifying what we want and learn how to clearly express that.
NVC helps us to reinforce the capacity to:
- express ourselves in ways that others have an easy time understanding and being compassionate towards us
- reformulate what others are trying to express to us to see if we are on the same page
- listen to others in an authentic and powerful way
- evaluate clearly without put downs, blame, criticism and right and wrong judgments
- ask for cooperation and support clearly and without demand
- understand and resolve conflicts with people whose strategies are not in alignment with our strategies
- act and behave with more awareness of our responsibility in a situation
- use creative solutions that enrich our values
Program Cost: $590 ($435 tuition+$155 meals/accommodations)
Local Price: $496 (program cost without overnight, without breakfast)
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your place in this program
Gina Cenciose
Gina Cenciose ( is an experienced Centre for Non-Violent Communication (CNVC) Certified Trainer and Certifying Coordinator in conjunction with the International Center for NVC. Gina is a lively and passionate bilingual facilitator working fulltime with groups, individuals and organizations to fully integrate the change of consciousness we need in order to create new systems in which more human needs can be attended to. She co-leads 7 different yearlong NVC and personal change integration programs in Canada, and specializes in the field of social change, deep healing, and trauma release.
Gina works with lifers in prison, Residential school survivors, social change activists, parents and with the general public, to transform our way of living and interacting with less violence. Her background is filled with music and she leads peace dances and sacred singing circles in her programs. She is also certified as a facilitator and trainer in Community Building, Conflict Circles and Inner Relationship Focusing (IRF) and trains new trainers in IRF with Focusing Resources ( and the International Focusing Institute ( She has over 50 candidates from all over North America in training with her in NVC and in IRF. She is currently finishing her certification in the Aboriginal Psychotherapy and Focusing Oriented therapy for complex trauma.
Norman Pasewalk
Norman Pasewalk has been a healing professional since 1990. As a massage therapist and counselor, he had practices in Los Angeles, California and, beginning in 1993, Sedona, Arizona. In 1995, Norman was trained as a Mediator by the Arizona Attorney General’s office and provided mediation services for Coconino County Superior Courts, Yavapai County Juvenile Courts and the US Postal Service. In 1996 he was introduced to Non-Violent Communication (NVC) and began incorporating NVC consciousness into his mediation, healing work and his personal life. He has facilitated NVC practices groups, provided one-on-one mentoring, acted as onsite coordinator and facilitated training sessions.
In 2009, Norman came to Canada to study with Gina Cenciose. It soon became evident that the two were meant to work together. Norman has been studying with Gina ever since, refining his NVC skills and adding Inner Relationship Focusing to his repertoire. Norman and Gina are now married and working together.
Jason Blanch
Jason Blanch, Program Resource Group (PRG) facilitator, is a home schooling parent of two children under 10. He holds a master’s degree in Adult Education with a focus in community development. The methodology for his research was appreciative inquiry. Jason currently works as an addictions counsellor, a supply teacher in the federal prison system and previously worked as a counselor with New Directions, a program for men addressing abuse issues. Jason is currently a federal Green Party candidate and has extensive community development experience working locally and internationally. He has a daily meditation practice and is a yoga enthusiast.