Mindfulness: Follow-Up Retreat 2015

November 13, 2015 - November 15, 2015
Tatamagouche NS


Nov 13 – Nov 15, 2015 Fri 7:00 PM – Sun 1:00 PM $360.00
We invite all who have participated in one of the Waking Up to Our Lives: An Introduction to Mindfulness retreats over the past four years to join us in a follow-up retreat!  Many of you expressed an interest in spending some time together as a way to “check in” on how things are going … a sort of “Mindfulness tune-up”.

We will have an opportunity to deepen the practices that we explored in the initial weekend retreat.  Our time together will include community building and the practices of sitting and walking meditation, the body scan, mindful movement, and mindful communication. If weather permits, we will also spend some time outdoors on the beautiful property of the Tatamagouche Centre.

Program Cost: $360 (tuition, meals & accommodation)
Local Price: $280 (without overnight)

We strive to make our programs as accessible as possible.
Please contact our Registrar to inquire about a bursary or payment plan.

Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your place in this program.


Ivan Drouin

Ivan DrouinIvan Drouin, MA, is a Registered Psychologist and Manager of Adult Mental Health and Addiction Services at the Colchester East Hants Health Authority in Truro, Nova Scotia. Ivan was trained at the Centre for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts. He teaches mindfulness based classes and is trained as a meditation instructor in the Shambhala tradition.

Elizabeth Shein


Elizabeth Shein is a social worker who has worked in the field of health and mental health in diverse rural, urban and First Nation communities for over 25 years. She has a clinical practice, facilitates workshops and provides program consultation on Mental Health and Wellness. In much of her work she incorporates mindfulness-based practices.