Mary, More than a Maybe! Advent Retreat with Bishop Lynne McNaughton

November 24, 2022 - November 27, 2022
November 24-27, 2022; exact times were not available.
Offered by Sorrento Centre
$170 plus accommodation and (optional) meals 

This retreat will be an experiential exploration of Advent themes in our spiritual lives, through the lens of Mary: What does she teach us about preparing for the Birth of Christ, in ourselves and in our world? How does Mary call us to be Revolutionary Singers, Active Contemplatives and God-bearers, to live with hope and expectancy in this time.

Please first select ‘Sorrento Centre Program’ registration to find “Mary, More than a Maybe!” or phone 250-675-2421 to register by phone.

Facilitator:  Bishop Lynne McNaughton, (Diocese of Kootenay)  is an experienced and imaginative pilgrimage and retreat leader, offering thoughtful questions and leading lively discussions. She was Anglican Chaplain and taught Christian Spirituality  at Vancouver School of Theology for many years.  Since 1997 she has co-led Pilgrimages to explore our Spiritual heritage in Europe: Great Britain, Ireland, France, Switzerland and Italy. She has a Doctor of Ministry degree in Spiritual Leadership from Columbia Theological School in Atlanta Georgia, looking at Pilgrimage as a prayer practice during life’s transitions. She leads retreats on Women in Scripture, Celtic Christianity, The LIturgical Year, Pilgrimage and Christian Mystics.

Lynne loves travel, reading, gardening and cycling. She is married to Gerald, has two magnificent adult children and is staff to two cats.

Music: With 35 years of pastoral ministry and music, when more than words are required, Juanita writes a song. Rev. Juanita L. Austin, is a retired United Church minister and has a passion for honest and creative liturgy, music, and social justice. Juanita recently self-published some of her songs, liturgical resources and dramatic readings in a book called “Cup of Wine and a Piece of Bread.”

She lives in Salmon Arm, BC, with her husband Jim McConnell and together they continue to offer gifts of music and worship.

Lynne and Juanita started studying  at VST in 1982, and have been dear friends ever since. They are delighted to have the opportunity to work together.


Categories: Music  |  Retreats