Mandala Meditations
Donna Bearden

A mandala is a symbol of wholeness, order, harmony, and connectedness. Across time, the mandala’s symbolic language has provided insight to thousands of individuals and cultures. As a form of creative self-care, drawing mandalas can pull you into a reflective, meditative place – a center of calmness. You don’t have to be an accomplished artist to benefit from mandala practice, just be open to playing with colors, shapes, and lines; or to walking in nature to find natural mandalas; or to using words and symbols in a visual journaling technique. In this weekend retreat, we will use these practices to quiet our minds and tap into our intuitive guidance, our inner wisdom. Together we will explore ways to use mandalas as a tool for self-care as well as in our work with other groups and individuals.
Donna Bearden holds a Ph.D. in Psychology with a concentration on learning environment research. Inspired by Jung and an interest in spirituality, she became a photo-mandala artist about 11 years ago after careers in public information and educational research. From the beginning, she paired her mandalas with her writing. What was revealed in one was magnified or echoed in the other. Mandala Messages became her weekly practice and she began sharing these, first through the Courage and Renewal Network of North Texas, and then through her own website. Her artwork has been printed on canvas, silk scarves, wood, metal, greeting cards, and ceramic trivets and ornaments. Visit her website to see examples of her work and to subscribe to her weekly inspirational Mandala Messages:
Cost $450 includes double occupancy room, board and tuition