Sun, Mar 15 – 3pm
Fri, Mar 20 – 12pm
James Martin-Schramm Biography Jim joined the Religion faculty at Luther College in 1993. He is an ordained member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and has a doctorate in Christian Ethics from Union Theological Seminary in New York City. Most of his scholarship has focused on issues related to ethics and public policy, and a lot of his recent work has been in energy and climate policy. He spent most of his youth growing up in Germany and South Africa because his father worked for John Deere. “I think those years gave me a global perspective that has influenced my career in various ways. I have been involved in various campus sustainability initiatives at Luther and am active in various organizations in Iowa working on climate change and energy issues”.
Jim Martin-Schramm

Tom Witt has been a keyboardist, worship leader, songleader and worship planner for over 20 years. He is well known for his spirited and rhythmic skills at the piano. He has developed a deep interest in eclectic congregational song that builds up the body of Christ for the work of mercy, peace, justice, and inclusion in the world – from Gospel to Taizé and Iona, and from 4-part African song to traditional European hymnody. In his work with Bread for the Journey ensemble, he has spent a good amount of time helping dominant-culture worshippers learn and appreciate singing songs of faith gathered from the Body of Christ around the world, including diverse communities in North America. Along with Mary Preus, Susan Briehl, Marty Haugen and Ben Stewart, he has been part of the Living Liturgy teaching team, which from 1999-2012 provided workshops and retreats on worship renewal. He co-founded Bread for the Journey, and served as worship planner and global consultant for the ELCA’s Global Mission Unit from 1989 to 2007. In 1998-99 Tom served as musician-in-residence at the ecumenical retreat center Holden Village. Abroad, he has been musician at events in Ethiopia and Palestine, and in southern Africa. Together Mary and Tom continue to lead workshops and training sessions across the country for musicians, clergy, and other worship planners. Mary Preus is first, a song leader and second, a singer, teacher, worship leader and choir director. A colleague once said of Mary, “She could teach a stone to sing.” Mary has been working in neighborhood businesses, community arts endeavors, and progressive Christian peace and justice communities for twenty-five years. Mary can sing in several different languages and has led singing around the world. In addition to her work as artistic director of Minnesota Community SINGS, Mary has worked as the music director and song leader at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Minneapolis since 1991. She is also the worship and music coordina
Tom Witt & Mary Preus

Lutherhostel Week 2
Christian Perspectives on Earth Ethics-A Case Method Approach led by Jim Martin-Schramm
Jim Martin-Schramm – leader, Worship & Music by Tom Witt & Mary Preus
Christian Perspectives on Earth Ethics – A “Hands-On” Approach
I love God’s creation and want to be a good steward, so what should I eat—what should I wear?
Should our church divest its holdings in fossil fuel stocks?
If our nation increases its investments in nuclear power, how should we deal with the radioactive waste?
These are just some of the questions Lutherhostel participants will have a chance to discuss during this inspiring week.
Participants will be introduced to the ethic of ecological justice, trace its foundations in Scripture and theological traditions, and then utilize the case study method to engage in ethical deliberation about questions like those above as well as other topics like population growth, consumption, and environmental degradation; environmental racism and nuclear waste storage; hydraulic fracturing and climate change; water rights and endangered species protection; and genetic engineering and global food security.
Jim’s “hands on” approach is relational and presents participants with real cases where they can play roles in decision making/problem solving. It allows one to delve into the topic, relate to it, and find solutions. It brings groups together in lively discussion and deepens both learning and understanding of the subject. A favorite teacher and public speaker, come prepared to be involved, to learn, and find ways to be a good steward of God’s creation!
Click on the Video, Other Info on the left to see some of the latest topics/causes/books he’s been involved with.
Registration Deposit: $350 per person for all 1-week registration types.
Your registration online must have this required deposit. Pay your deposit here using our secure credit card feature, or call us at (480) 488-5218 if you choose to pay in full.
Early Bird full price if you register before September 15, 2014. $350 deposit required.
$ 630 for double occupancy (goes to $680 after 8/15/14)
$ 775 for single occupancy (goes to $825 after 8/15/14)
$ 350 for commuter (goes to $390 after 8/15/14)
Early Registration Fees
Good through Monday, September 15, 2014
$340.00 Commuter
$775.00 Private Room w/ Bath
$630.00 Shared Room w/ Bath
Regular Registration Fees
$390.00 Commuter
$825.00 Private Room w/ Bath
$680.00 Shared Room w/ Bath
Registration closes Sunday, Mar 1, at Midnight
NOTE: Your $50 early bird discount will be applied upon your registration. To register by check, and/or need additional night’s lodging, call Cyndy at (480) 488-5218