Loving, Disciplined and Free – A Retreat for Men

April 26, 2018 - April 29, 2018

Loving, Disciplined and Free – A Retreat for Men


Location: The Monastery in Cambridge

Thursday 5:00 pm-Sunday 2:00 pm, April 26-29, 2018

Leader: Br. Keith Nelson, SSJE


Our SSJE Rule of Life holds before us the hope of “attaining maturity as loving, disciplined, and free men.”  What does a mature, non-patriarchal masculine spirituality look like in our century?  How can our leadership, mentoring, learning, praying and loving – as men of God– become a more authentic expression of Christ’s own compassionate strength?  We’ll seek answers to these questions in scripture and in the rich traditions of monastic spirituality, in sacred images and archetypes, and in our own personal stories.  Join us as we celebrate the diversity of our manhood, reconnect with our God, and renew our vision of God’s future