Living Tradition: 500 Years of Re-Forming Christianity

October 13, 2017 - October 15, 2017

Living Tradition: 500 Years of Re-Forming Christianity

Symposium Dates: OCTOBER 13-15, 2017
Location: Atlantic School of Theology

Atlantic School of Theology invites you to attend “Living Tradition: 500 Years of Re-Forming Christianity.” Marking the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s posting of his 95 Theses – the conventionally-noted start of the European Reformations – this symposium will feature a range of public presentations, a special concert, and a celebratory ecumenical worship service.

Topics include:

  • Theological themes such as forgiveness, reconciliation, the sacraments
  • Ecumenical dialogue, entente, detente, and cooperation
  • Stability and change within Christian traditions
  • Luther’s legacy
  • Movements or figures in Reformations history (Protestant and Catholic)
  • Intercultural and non-Euro-American impact of the Reformations
  • Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox interaction
  • The practice of ministry in light of reforming impulses
  • New forms/fresh expressions of the Christian way

For more information please visit the website.

Categories: Church History  |  Ministry  |  Symposiums