Living in Love with Earth
Dr. Sarah King, Mardi Tindal, Karen Harding, Chris Johnson, Diane Petteway and Larry Petrovick
“Old growth cultures, like old growth forests, have not been exterminated. The land holds their memory, and the possibility of regeneration. They are not only a matter of ethnicity or history, but of relationships born out of reciprocity between land and people.” ~ Robin Wall Kimmerer
As human beings, we long to remain wholeheartedly in relationship with the land where we live and grow. How might we restore right relationships among humans and other earth-beings?
This will be a rare opportunity to reflect on your own path of personal ecological renewal through participation within an inter-generational place-based community. This is a program for adults, from younger (late teens) to older. If you think of yourself as a younger adult, please consider inviting an older friend to attend with you. If you think of yourself as older, consider inviting a younger friend to attend with you, thereby helping to strengthen an inter-generational experience on these days and in the days following.
We will gather along the Appalachian Trail on the Kittatinny Ridge of the Poconos, in the embrace of Kirkridge Retreat Center. Leaders committed to restoring earth community will bring the transformative practices of a Circle of Trust® to frame our challenges and opportunities, exploring our inner and outer landscapes. We will remember who we are, how we have come to be here, and explore practices of loving relationship with the land.
Theme presentations will be enhanced by generous time for personal and shared reflection, both inside and outside. We will walk the land, share food grown nearby, and explore our individual and collective practices of honoring place.
Dr. Sarah King of Grand Valley State University is well recognized as an engaging professor about the role religion and culture play in shaping human relationships to the natural world; indigenous-settler relations in North America; food justice, sustainable agriculture and North American environmentalism.
Circle of Trust® facilitators Mardi Tindal, Karen Harding, Chris Johnson, Diane Petteway and Larry Petrovick, prepared by Parker J. Palmer and the Center for Courage & Renewal, join Sarah to help us listen to ourselves and to the land, to become more grounded in place, and to honor and care for the places which we call home.
Cost $525 includes double occupancy room, board and tuition (please inquire about student rates and subsidies as needed)