Listening to the Land: A Franciscan-Hearted Circle of Trust® Retreat
Larry Petrovick

In the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi, we welcome Franciscan hearted people who care about people and the planet, to a multi-day exploration of your most important questions. You are invited to experience the varied landscapes of Kirkridge using your senses. In silence, reflection, and in small and large group settings, you are invited to discover new insights as you experience the land and others sharing their stories. Kirkridge, a 75 year old center for peace and justice work, offers many natural spaces that remind us to connect or reconnect to God through the direct experience with the land: the water, plants, soils and wildlife. Come to this “national park for the soul” and walk the land where George MacLeod of Iona, Desmond Tutu, Dorothy Day, Wendell Berry, Parker Palmer and others have renewed their spirits. Explore Kirkridge’s Nature Conservancy Reserve that is protected for perpetuity. Experience the micro habitats and the macro landscapes to see how the land speaks to you and your life story through this Circle of Trust® experience. Meet others engaged in caring for people and the planet. Leave with new inspirations, ideas, and insights to take on your journey ahead.
Facilitated by Larry Petrovick
Larry Petrovick’s journey is about integrating his experience as a career natural resources conservationist with his deep appreciation of the gifts of St. Francis of Assisi. As a Courage and Renewal Facilitator® with Inspiring Courage Consulting LLC, he merges his experiences with the Circle of Trust Approach® developed by Parker J. Palmer and the Center for Courage and Renewal. Larry offers programs and retreats for people in faith communities, nonprofits and business, to deeply listen to themselves and others, while reflecting on their life questions. He invites people to discover their own unique insights within their inner and outer work through the lens of the natural world. Larry serves nonprofits to care for the natural world and build food security in the Raleigh, NC area. He is a part of the St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church Creation Care ministry in Raleigh, NC and is a Goodmon Fellow with Leadership Triangle.
Cost is $445 and includes double occupancy room, board and tuition.