Feb 6 – Feb 7, 2014 Thu 10:00 AM – Fri 4:30 PM $250.00

– Ps. 27The lament is the most common prayer form in the bible, yet it is largely unfamiliar in our day. Lamentation allows us to share the Creator’s grief at pain and disorder in creation and our lives without getting frozen in inappropriate or ineffective guilt feelings.
In the context of laments, worshippers (whether individuals or communities) pour forth whatever is on their hearts, feeling no need to guard God’s feelings from our most difficult expressions of the pain and disorientation we encounter in life. It is a powerful spiritual resource when we feel outrage and abandonment by others and by God.
In this workshop we will explore, individually and in groups, the form and practice of laments and why they are such a meaningful expression of deep faith. There will also be opportunity to craft individual laments and prepare a schedule of laments for daily use on the journey through the upcoming season of Lent.
Program Cost: $250 ($155 tuition+$95 meals/accommodations)
Local Price: $205 (program cost without overnight, without breakfast)
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your place in this program
Rev. Dr. Ross Bartlett
Rev. Dr. Ross Bartlett is in ministry with Knox United Church, Lower Sackville, NS.An author, church historian, spiritual director and father of two adult daughters, he treasures opportunities to help people making meaning in life.
Kathryn Anderson
Kathryn Anderson Program Resource Group (PRG) facilitator. Kathryn is a diaconal minister of the United Church of Canada and has served as the Faith & Spirituality Program Coordinator for Tatamagouche Centre.