Kaleidoscope Institute Catalyst Summit Train the Trainer Event

April 5, 2017 - April 7, 2017
Offered by Luther Seminary
St. Paul MN

Kaleidoscope Institute Catalyst Summit Train the Trainer Event

April 5-7, 2017 Leadership

Our communities are continually changing and incorporating racial and cultural diversity is essential for our futures. As leaders who have been called to lead efforts of diversity and inclusion, this is a professional learning summit designed for you.

The Kaleidoscope Institute Catalyst Summit follows a “grow your own” philosophy to be the Christian Public Leaders we seek. This summit will focus intentionally upon the full spectrum of Kaleidoscope work. Rev. Eric Law and associates will provide intensive training, evaluation and focus on different areas that demonstrate promising practices that support the development of competent leadership in a diverse, changing world.

During the three days of training participants will explore, demonstrate and critique Kaleidoscope methodology and practices to assist with building racially and culturally inclusive communities in our current times.

Some topics that will be explored:

  • What is culture and why are there cultural differences?
  • Cultural differences and their impacts on our leadership
  • Theological reflection on multicultural leadership
  • Skills, models and process for building inclusive community
  • Developing a spirituality for leadership in a diverse changing community and world
  • Lived social realities in contemporary context (Black Lives Matter, Flint Water Crisis, Dakota Access Pipeline, etc.)

Prerequisites for this summit are:

  1. Previous attendance of Kaleidoscope Institute
  2. Familiarity with the works of Eric Law

This is a train the trainer program; others are welcome to participate. 

(Tuition include program, materials and lunch). Parking on campus is free. Limited basic guest housing is available on campus.

Please note: Kaleidoscope organizers are dedicated to training leaders in these materials. If financial hardship would keep you from attending, a limited number of scholarships are available by calling the Center for Lifelong Learning Office at 651-641-3416


Tuition: $500

Contact Hours: 21

Class Times:

9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Seminar Leaders:

Eric Law and Lucky Lynch, Kaleidoscope Associates

Categories: Institutes  |  Leadership  |  Ministry