July Wisdom School: The Ultimate Quest: Finding Inner Authority

July 13, 2015 - July 18, 2015
Collegeville MN

Monday, July 13 — Saturday, July 18, 2015

July Wisdom School
The Ultimate Quest: Finding Inner Authority

Led by Bussho Lahn, Diane Millis and Ward Bauman


In the early stages of spiritual work, it is important to seek out master teachers to lead and guide one. But ultimately to stay there, seeking truth outside of oneself, keeps one infantile. There comes a time when we are ready to take the steps to “be formed into Christ” and find our own “sovereignty” for, as the Gospel of Thomas says, “your sovereignty will be your rest” (#2). This is the preeminent human development.  How we come into our own spiritual authority will be the august quest of this academy.

This wisdom school is considered advanced work, where the student, not the teacher, is the primary focus. Here the teachers act as guides to help each participant find his or her own inner authority. All teaching will be geared to this effort and time will be given each day to meet with a guide, as one takes steps to toward one’s own sovereignty and fullness.

Categories: Programs  |  Spiritual Direction  |  Spirituality