July 14-20, 2013 – Six Weeks of Summer: Week 3

July 14, 2013 - July 20, 2013
Offered by Sorrento Centre
Sorrento BC


July 14-20, 2013 – Six Weeks of Summer: Week 3
  • 6 weeks of summer - week 3Behold the Beauty of the Lord: An Intensive Icon Painting Workshop
    with Brother James Koester, SSJE: This workshop will introduce participants to the spirituality of icons and the practice of icon painting. Sunday, July 14 – Saturday, July 20, 2013details »
  • Living Together: Exploring Ecumenical Shared Ministries
    with Sandra Beardsall: There are more than 90 Anglican congregations across Canada working in covenanted ecumenical partnerships to facilitate their mission and ministry. While maintaining their identity, they share various arrangements… Sunday, July 14 – Saturday, July 20, 2013details »
  • Yoga Chapel: Embodying the Sacred Stories of Scripture
    with Bethel Lee: Yoga Chapel is a mobile ministry that weaves together the art of Christian storytelling with the wisdom of the physical yoga practice… Sunday, July 14 – Saturday, July 20, 2013details »
  • Growing our Congregations through the Gathering of God’s People
    with Melissa Skelton: What congregational development practitioners have learned is that at the center of any growth and incorporation of new members is a sense that there is a “there” there, that a congregation has a healthy and magnetic identity. But congregations also need a process by which people are invited in… Sunday, July 14 – Saturday, July 20, 2013details »
  • The Pulse of Worship and Song: A Drumming Workshop
    with Bruce & Cheryl Harding: Rhythm is at the heart of singing, and effective rhythmic accompaniment brings a song to life!… Sunday, July 14 – Saturday, July 20, 2013details »
  • Worship and Music: Week Three
    with worship leader Bill Richards and music leaders Bruce and Cheryl Harding: Sunday, July 14 – Saturday, July 20, 2013details »
  • Typical “Weeks of Summer” daily schedule – here »
  • topChildren’s programming here » / Youth programs here »
Categories: Ecumenism  |  Programs  |  Spirituality