Introduction to Old Testament Hebrew I

September 9, 2024 - December 16, 2024
This course is available onsite-only with Matt Lynch and online-only with Joseph Lee. See course syllabi for specifics on the different course formats.
Offered by Regent College
$520 per credit hour registered for onsite $540 per credit hour registered for online $385 per audit hour registered for onsite $405 per audit hour registered for online

Welcome to this course on Biblical Hebrew. I’m thrilled that you’ve decided to take up the challenge. Hebrew is a rich and rewarding language to study (and with it, you will gain access to around 78% of the Bible). It will require hard work and effort, but the challenge is worth it. Language study can be intimidating but, with appropriate time invested, it is eminently doable. Many have done it before you and many will do it after you. I hope you feel supported and encouraged along the way. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. De disciplined in your study habits; cramming seldom works in language study. Keep on top of your assignments and you will get the most out of this course.

This course is part one of a two-part study of biblical Hebrew. We’ll work through approximately half of Fullilove’s Introduction to Hebrew, laying the foundation for part two next term.

redit Hours:
Audit Hours:

There are no prerequisites for this course.