Hospitality and Hostility: The Sacraments & the Church in a Globalized World

October 14, 2013 - October 19, 2013


Workshop ID: G13S1033

Dates: October 14, 2013 – October 19, 2013 Price: $325.00

Ghost Ranch has a long tradition of supporting those in ministry with rich respite and continuing education. In 2013, we will dedicate two special weeks to helping support those in all fields of ministry (ordained and lay).

Arrival (Monday afternoon) and Departure (Saturday morning) have been established so that those in ministry can leave/return in time for their weekly Worship responsibilities. Some segments will involve the full group (plenaries – processing – Worship). Participants will also choose one focus class where they will receive approximately 20 hours of instruction/ experience to help them in their field of ministry. Come and receive a week of nourishment to help you so you in turn can help others.

How does the church show its hospitality through worship? What are the markers of hospitality and hostility around the sacraments? What does the rite of baptism have to do with issues of health, ecology, inclusion, justice and the poor? How the celebration of the Eucharist is associated with notions of international power, race, land/food, world migration and non-documented immigrants in US? During this week we will help each other to become aware of philosophical, social, political, racial, class, and sexual references that mark the Christian faith but usually go unnoticed in the theological thinking and the liturgical practices of the sacraments. In order to do that, this week intends to offer tools for its participants to make connections between the sacraments and the historical processes of globalization, under the rubrics of hospitality.


claudioCarvalhaesClaudio Carvalhaes, a theologian and artist, was born and raised in Sao Paulo, Brazil, where he also earned his degree from the Independent Presbyterian Theological Seminary. He was ordained by the Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil and served two different Presbyterian congregations in Sao Paulo. In a partnership between the Presbytery of Sao Paulo and the Presbytery of Southern New England, Carvalhaes became one of the first missionaries to do “reverse mission” coming to US after Presbyterians went to Brazil in 1859. He has published articles, in English, Spanish and Portuguese, on the relation between globalization, immigration, multiculturalism and post-colonial theologies/liturgies, worship, arts, and the Christian faith.

Need more info? Call us at (505) 685 – 4333 ext 4152

  • Three ways to register:
    1. Download printable registration form and mail to: Ghost Ranch Registrar, HC77 Box 11, Abiquiu, NM 87510. OR scan and email your completed form to: [email protected]
    2. Register by telephone at 877-804-4678, extension 4152 or 4155 — available Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. MST.
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