March 1 to 3, 2013
BodySpeak is a powerful, respectful, and creative communications process that opens new doors into personal growth and process work. The ARC BodySpeak Workshop introduces you to a simple 8-step dialogue technique and powerful, creative communications tool. Facilitators of BodySpeak quickly discover how to form questions based both on the story that is presented as well as the unconscious language and information people provide. This fascinating study provides a window into seeing what lies beneath a person’s surface behavior and opens the door to providing for needs that often go unrealized and unheard.
This workshop is beneficial and suitable for all beginner, non-professional, and professional care givers, including Healing Pathway practitioners, counsellors, teachers, physical therapists, ministers/pastors, parents, doctors/physicians, nurses, spiritual directors, social workers, care aids, and anyone with training in healing touch, therapeutic touch, reiki, reflexology, or any other communication-based therapy and/or energy bodywork training.
Fri, March 1 – 5:30pm (includes dinner) to Sun, Mar 3 – 1:00pm (includes lunch)
If you are interested in attending this program, please call: 877.996.5751 ext. 201 or [email protected].
Pietro Abela is the visionary and founder of The ARC Institute and the creator of ARC Bodywork. He is also a distinguished teacher, mentor, and workshop leader and writer. Pietro’s studies and research on stress, emotional issues, and their connections to physical well-being led him to development of ARC’s powerful self-healing methods. Pietro travels internationally with his wife Melanie, teaching for The ARC Institute. He has recently completed his first book, A Return to Consciousness.
Cost: $435 plus taxes. (shared room) For private room add $70