Gladstone Umbrella

July 14, 2017 - July 16, 2017

14th July – 16th July 2017

A firm favourite of the Gladstone’s Library calendar returns for another year! Whether you’ve grown up with a love of history and Victoriana or you’re an academic with a penchant for the ‘Grand Old Man’, no matter your background the Gladstone Umbrella is the conference for you.

The event also includes a visit to William Gladstone’s office, The Temple of Peace, in Hawarden Castle.

David Brooks was educated at Bedford School and Emmanuel College, Cambridge, of which he later became a Fellow. His doctoral thesis was on Gladstone’s Fourth Ministry, 1892-94, and his published works include The Destruction of Lord Rosebery, 1894-95 and The Age of Upheaval: Edwardian politics, 1899-1914. For most of his career he has taught in the School of History at Queen Mary University of London.

Offers of papers should be sent to [email protected].

To view last year’s programme, please click here.

Residential prices start from £215, non-residential from £150. Discount rates for clergy and students apply.

For more information or to book, please call 01244 532350 or email [email protected].

Categories: Courses  |  Lifelong Learning