Online Webinar, Monday, September 30, 2019, 7pm to 8pm (Montreal time)
A flurry of media reports, social media activity, and pastoral letters accompanied the once-every-three-years meeting of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada last July. Now that the dust has settled, it’s time to think about what really happened. In one hour, this webinar will provide an overview of some of the key decisions taken at General Synod. This includes the high-profile—same-sex marriage, a new primate, and a self-governing indigenous church—as well as the lower-profile but significant actions on climate change, church finances, strategic direction, and more. This webinar seeks to offer grounding to Anglicans as they make sense of what transpired in Vancouver and the direction the meeting set for the church.

The Rev. Dr. Jesse Zink is the principal of Montreal Dio and author of several books on Anglicanism, including Backpacking through the Anglican Communion: A Search for Unity.
$20 per connection
FREE for members of the College Corporation